Tuesday, August 26, 2008

alrighty then...

well, again, i let the time get the best of me...here i am to lay it all out on the internet for everyone to read....hahaha..

work is consuming all of my time, my husband hates my job, my kids are out of control, the house is never clean and the weeds in my backyard are about ready to kill me. anything else? oh, and we just came back from the river...oh, and taking the kids...not so relaxing. did i mention that it was 114 degrees this weekend? oh my!

Oh, so just an update, my husband and i got into a "tiff" the other night, so i didn't get mad, i got a haircut! of course, he got more mad but whatever!! he has this image in his mind that I should have long curly hair, blah, blah, blah... well, i was tired of looking like a hag. I cut it and it feels great. paybacks are a biatch husband, and guess what? you married one! :) just kidding...well, kind of. we're back on track now but don't mess with a Sakamoto...haven't you learned this by now?

Ryan is crazier and funnier everyday. He begged to go to my moms house last week, so i called and asked if mom and dad would be up to babysitting for the day... of course, dad says, "bring them over" then he goes to wake mom up and say "boys are coming over" and then he retreats to the backyard to do his gardening. Apparently when I dropped the boys off that morning, Ryan immediately went out to the back to ask my dad what he was doing... so dad says, " i'm watering the grass" Ryan asks "why?" and dad says, "to keep it green" and my smart ass kid says, "the grass is already green" and then goes inside... that's not all.... Mom was trying to tell Ryan something and he looks at her and says (not mean, but as a matter of fact) "you're not the boss"...of course, he had to say that when my dad was there.... so of course dad is laughing his butt off and that's now his favorite line to tell my mom... "you're not the boss".

Don't think that's it... Mr. Aaron is getting in on the action too... Aaron thinks he can walk around my moms house with his milk... as she calls him back to the kitchen, he yells back to her, "NO!" and then proceeds to make shooting noises at her. Of course to which my dad is still laughing...that kid got the Sakamoto and Lander stuborness. He is 100% bitchy and stubborn. He is awful! The older he is getting, the worse it is becoming... I really need to get him to chanel his frustrations and stuborness into some type of activity or something... he's killing me!!

here are your words:

Ryan: you're not the boss, who ponked the horn? mommy, you have 2 kids.

Aaron: mew,mew, mew (that's his shooting noise), NO! It's mine., Ryan.

Monday, August 4, 2008


well, our weekend at the river was great, of course... it was super hot, humid and we had a great time. We ended up taking Ryan with us so there wasn't much relaxing going on but we all had fun. Ryan was bored during the adult activities but looooved when we would beach and he got to play with his sand toys and jump in the water. We met more people from our "cobra family" and partied with them all weekend.
We headed home about 4pm yesterday and that's when the never ending drive home began... Hans' truck began to take a crap...it wouldn't shift over 2000 rpms...so, needless to say, we couldn't climb any hills and with towing the boat...it was not a fun ride home. Like I said, we left at 4 and didn't get home until 1:30-1:45ish... not fun. oh well,...
while we were trying to figure out what to do without blowing the truck up, Ryan comments to us, "Mater is a tow truck, he can hook your truck and take you home"... how freaking cute is that? Ryan is too much. Gotta love him... he lightened the mood for us during our stressful drive home.
oh well...i have so much to say but just not enough energy to say it... oh and I can't even think straight as I just killed the hugest, ugliest dairy spider in my kitchen. it was so scary that I just wanted to run away but then i figured that if i didn't kill it that it would end up in my room or in one of the boys rooms... eeewww...i'm getting all freaked out just thinking about it again... yuk!
anyways, i'll try to update everyone with the life of lander later this week.