Sunday, November 16, 2008

i know, i know...

okay, so yes, I know, i'm a slacker! I remind myself all of the time to update this blog, and.... I don't. I always just let the time get by me and then before you know it, I'm out for the night... well, here are some new words from my kids...I"ll have to take some time to gather my thoughts and get this blog updated again! here you go....

"I want to wear these shoes today"
"Ryan, you can't wear those shoes, they are too small!"
"na ah... they fit, see?" (as he proceeds to shove his 9.5 size foot into his size 8 shoe)
"Ryan, I can see that you shoved your foot in the shoe, once you start walking... your feet are going to start hurting and you will get blisters..."
"I like it to hurt"
Daddy: (under his breath)
"You sound like your mom"
Look of Death and jaw dropped open sent to daddy.... what the hell????!!!!! as my husband proceeds laughing thinking he told the funniest joke to man. I could kill him, he's so nasty.

Ryan asks my mom to stay at her house last Wed night. So, mom makes Ryan promise not to wake her up early (pre 7 am), so Ryan promises and I let him stay the night... These events take place the following morning...

Well, I confirm with Mom that Ryan let her sleep in... She was impressed that he actually listened and didn't wake her up at 5:30 in the morning looking for food. So, Dad is at the kitchen table reading his paper, Ryan tells mom he is hungry, so she makes him a bowl of cereal. She gets Ryan settled in at the table with dad, gives him his Cheerios, and Ryan looks down at his cereal, looks back up at her and tells her, "is this all you got?" Of course, mom rolls her eyes and goes back to bed as Dad is laughing hysterically (according to mom). So, she proceeds to tell me that Ryan tells her they need to go to the store... so they do, Ryan then tells her she needs to buy some doughnuts and some new cereal. Guess who got his way? hmmm?! I have such a crazy kid. oh and by the way, he picked his box of cereal due to the picture on the had a picture of a guitar. Oh lord! Ryan informed mom that she needed this at her house.

At the mall today, don't ask me how he found this, but he found a shirt with guitars all over it, in his size, and it came with a miniature toy guitar with it. Of course, he ran up to mom (who was in line to buy something else) and told her that he needed this shirt because it came with a cuntar. Moms normal response... the eyes rolled, we all started laughing and then Ryan got his shirt and cuntar. why me?

On the way home from the mall today, this song (low, low, low) by Flo Rida came on the radio, to my complete freaking surprise, Aaron knew the words and was totally singing the song. My mom, Brandon and I could not stop laughing. Makes me wonder what daddy plays for them on the radio in the morning....

"daddy doesn't know Santa Clause's number", "daddy had a blue truck with hydraulics and it went like this" (he proceeds to make his hand move up and down) How did he even know that? Ryan was like 2 years old when we got rid of that truck!!!

"thank you mommy", "i want that", "Ryan, are you?", "doggy", "train, ooo, oooo", "wonderpets", "dora", "what the heck? oh man! its goken!"

Here's a pic from Halloween.... sorry for the late post... :)