Sunday, November 16, 2008

i know, i know...

okay, so yes, I know, i'm a slacker! I remind myself all of the time to update this blog, and.... I don't. I always just let the time get by me and then before you know it, I'm out for the night... well, here are some new words from my kids...I"ll have to take some time to gather my thoughts and get this blog updated again! here you go....

"I want to wear these shoes today"
"Ryan, you can't wear those shoes, they are too small!"
"na ah... they fit, see?" (as he proceeds to shove his 9.5 size foot into his size 8 shoe)
"Ryan, I can see that you shoved your foot in the shoe, once you start walking... your feet are going to start hurting and you will get blisters..."
"I like it to hurt"
Daddy: (under his breath)
"You sound like your mom"
Look of Death and jaw dropped open sent to daddy.... what the hell????!!!!! as my husband proceeds laughing thinking he told the funniest joke to man. I could kill him, he's so nasty.

Ryan asks my mom to stay at her house last Wed night. So, mom makes Ryan promise not to wake her up early (pre 7 am), so Ryan promises and I let him stay the night... These events take place the following morning...

Well, I confirm with Mom that Ryan let her sleep in... She was impressed that he actually listened and didn't wake her up at 5:30 in the morning looking for food. So, Dad is at the kitchen table reading his paper, Ryan tells mom he is hungry, so she makes him a bowl of cereal. She gets Ryan settled in at the table with dad, gives him his Cheerios, and Ryan looks down at his cereal, looks back up at her and tells her, "is this all you got?" Of course, mom rolls her eyes and goes back to bed as Dad is laughing hysterically (according to mom). So, she proceeds to tell me that Ryan tells her they need to go to the store... so they do, Ryan then tells her she needs to buy some doughnuts and some new cereal. Guess who got his way? hmmm?! I have such a crazy kid. oh and by the way, he picked his box of cereal due to the picture on the had a picture of a guitar. Oh lord! Ryan informed mom that she needed this at her house.

At the mall today, don't ask me how he found this, but he found a shirt with guitars all over it, in his size, and it came with a miniature toy guitar with it. Of course, he ran up to mom (who was in line to buy something else) and told her that he needed this shirt because it came with a cuntar. Moms normal response... the eyes rolled, we all started laughing and then Ryan got his shirt and cuntar. why me?

On the way home from the mall today, this song (low, low, low) by Flo Rida came on the radio, to my complete freaking surprise, Aaron knew the words and was totally singing the song. My mom, Brandon and I could not stop laughing. Makes me wonder what daddy plays for them on the radio in the morning....

"daddy doesn't know Santa Clause's number", "daddy had a blue truck with hydraulics and it went like this" (he proceeds to make his hand move up and down) How did he even know that? Ryan was like 2 years old when we got rid of that truck!!!

"thank you mommy", "i want that", "Ryan, are you?", "doggy", "train, ooo, oooo", "wonderpets", "dora", "what the heck? oh man! its goken!"

Here's a pic from Halloween.... sorry for the late post... :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

is it already wednesday?

well, as I sit here thinking "when is Aaron going to stop crying and fall asleep?" I am remembering the really fun weekend I just had and I can't believe its already wednesday!! It all started last Friday, I asked to leave work early because i was just sitting around doing nothing. I left, came home, checked in with the hubby, got some money and went to spoil myself for 45 minutes getting a pedicure. Now i have to say, I tried this new place down the street from my house, it was kinda pricey and they didn't do such a good job. They did a decent job but I really need to find somewhere to go! I can't handle looking for new nail people, this is insane!!
Once i got back home, Hans and I got the boys ready and we headed out to my friend, Brandi's house. We were finally getting together for our couples game night. It was nice because i got to bring the boys and they played with her daughter, Kaydance all night long! So while we played and ate and got drunk...the kids played upstairs and kept themselves occupied until 1:30 in the morning. I couldn't even believe that it had gotten so late! I have to admit, it was tons of fun. We totally had a blast.....we were so drunk that of course, we stayed the night. We decided to go to the Pancake House the next morning and we ate like kings... after that we parted ways as we were obligated to go to my nephews 1st birthday party. Well, my kids were looking pretty scragly, so I told Hans that we needed to get their hair cut before we go to the party. Well, I didn't feel like paying $40. to go to the kids haircut store, so Hans suggested taking the kids to the Big W. that is where Hans gets his hair cut. So, pressed for time and trying to save a buck, I agree. BIG MISTAKE!!! Aaron has a little bowl haircut... the bguy shaved the bottom of his head drenched the top of his hair, combed it down and plastered it to his head and the proceeded to take the scissors and run them across his head in a not so straight line. So, basically Aaron looks like he was attacked by a weed eater. The guy cutting his hair was like 60+ years old, it was out of control.
Ryans hair.... lets just say, my husband pretty much shaved it. I'm so ticked off because now its gong to look dumb for their Christmas pictures. Thank Goodness i bought the boys hats for their pictures!
Speaking of Christmas, I bought their outfits, they are ready to go...let's just see if I can make the time to take them to get their pics done. I think i have the boys shopping just about done...My mother in law really, really did alot for them this Christmas...She was showing me her inventory for the boys last night. WOW...I don't really have to do a whole lot of shopping for them. She really went all out and bought them alot of nice stuff. Not to mention, she bought them a Rhino as well... So, now the boys will have their own (powerwheels) Rhino to ride when we drive ours. They are going to love it!
Hans and i actually made our way to that Mattel outlet off of the 60 fwy... I wouldn't really call it an outlet, the prices aren't too much cheaper... but the 50% OFF aisle...there was some good stuff. We picked up a huge toy pirate ship for Ryan (for Christmas) it retails for $50. and with the discount(s) we only paid $17. for it. So, we were stoked about that... There was alot of Disney Cars toys...I think I will go back and pick some of that stuff up for their stockings and stuff... just have to make the time to get back out there.
My stepson is turning 16 in 5 weeks....I don't know what we are going to do....holeee lord!!! He asked us to not throw him a party, he would rather receive money to fix up his truck...of course, I was all about throwing the party... so, i'm kind of bummed...but I guess it worked out because, don't know if I mentioned this...Hans and I are now hosting the annual Sakamoto Thanksgiving Dinner this year...we are talking like 50 freaking people. Yikes!!! We will have to remind ourselves to Thank my dad for suggesting to have it at our house this year. We are somewhat up to it... I guess that is something that I should be working on.. I have no clue how to cook a turkey or do any of that stuff. Guess my mom is going to have to help out on this one....
Anyways, still haven't made it out to Disneyland, I am determined to get out there before the end of the month...

Here are your words:

Ryan: Bad Manners! (If we say something inappropriate or bad, Ryan immediately interjects and says "BAD MANNERS!!")

Aaron: Flower, Haylie, Donut, TV, Shoes, toes, water, I'm Done.

Monday, October 6, 2008

river season has come to an end...

well, we took our last river trip. we camped with some friends, and when I say camp, I mean sleep in a small trailer. As you all know, I don't sleep in tents and I absolutely refuse to. I did that one time and never again. I'm a brat, i know it, and if I start to forget, my husband reminds me about it. Hans and I took the boys and brought my stepson and his best friend, Eric (my other "stepson") it was fun. I'm definately getting better at driving the boat. I actually put it on the trailer in the wind and I must say, I did a pretty damn good job!! even Hans was impressed (I think) or else he pretended to be so that he wouldn't hurt my feelings. Well, in any case, i didn't end up on the fender and I didn't allow myself to drift onto someone else's trailer. So in my mind, it was a success!
Aaron and Ryan were their typical selves... crabby, whiney, hungry and definately had the parental ear muffs on. Its amazing how children can tune their parents out at any given time. Its so damn frustrating, I mean all I want to do is punch my kids in the heads sometimes for ignoring me but I have to remind myself that I'll go to jail. LOL! just kidding, bad joke. But seriously, my kids know how to push my buttons and they are only 2 and 3 for gods sake. It's freaking insane. It's hard to call a trip to the river with 2 children a vacation when you are so damn busy stressing out about one of them drowning. They always have a vest on but who knows what could happen? My Aaron is an Evil Kenieval...He is freaking crazy and has no fear what so ever! I think he is going to be a stuntman. Ryan on the other hand doesn't believe that anything bad can happen to him. He's definately more cautious than Aaron but he also knows mommy won't let anything bad happen to him if she can help it.
Ryan and Aaron are talking more than ever... In fact, I can't get Ryan to stop talking. He talks, and talks and talks..... My mom mentioned to me that she's even tried looking for an "off" button on him... he's too much. And Aaron, well, let's just say, he's always talking his crap. He's still got a mean attitude and he'll cuss you up and down in baby blabber...
well, I'm about to head to bed as I'm still trying to recover from the weekend. Here are your words for the day...

Ryan: "B, are you pissed off because your hat was in the trash?" Eric accidentally threw away brandons hat and they had to dig thru a dumpster to find it.

Aaron: "ryan, come here", he sings the itsy bitsy spider, counts to 5 and loves to sing the ABC's. "door" and of course, "NO".

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why is my excitement for her making me cry?

Well, everyone, here it is... my mom was admitted to Georgetown University... as well as some other prominent universities back east. I'm so damn excited and happy for her but I am so sad and depressed that she is going to leave us. When I received the news at work, I was excited but instantly drew a few tears because I knew she was leaving. Who would ever pass up Georgetown? That's right, nobody. Her dream did come true to be able to finish her degree and I'm sooo excited for her. I'm sad just thinking about not having my Sundays with her and my dad, our twice a month pedicures together, our shopping dates, dinner and movie dates and our shopping revenge days when we are mad at life or our husbands. I understand that she has to go, but, I just hope she comes back when she is done. My fear is that she won't come back to California. What would I do without her? She truly is my best friend. I feel like I have gotten sooo much closer to my parents this past year and I'm just really bummed that they won't be around to share in the excitement of my crazy ass boys growing up and, well, just everything. This is nothing out of the ordinary, i know... I'm just being a spoiled brat. Well, there it is... I'm just going to enjoy our holidays together as they are rapidly approaching and spend every moment that I have with her because it's going to be like culture shock when she's not here.

I actually spent the day with her today and that was fun... she treated me and the boys to lunch then we took Ryan out for a bit this afternoon and she bought them halloween costumes. Hans has been working alot of overtime and has been helping his old employer out and working over there on his days off from the Chino Airport. So, we haven't spent too much time together... We did have a dinner date tonight and took the boys. Surprisingly, again, the boys were really good at dinner. I think Aaron has gotten over his crappy mood swings at the dinner table. His attitude has completely changed when we go out now. Thank Goodness!

I was reminding mom that when she gets back from her trip to DC in a couple of weeks, we still have to take Aaron to Disneyland for his birthday. Then I reminded myself, its really just an excuse for me to go there too... I really want to go there with the park set up for Halloween. I love, love, love Disney's "The Nightmare Before Christmas". I actually have the entire Halloween Town that I set up during Halloween and Christmas. Ryan knows all of the characters from the movie because I'm such a freak about that movie. I'm trying to find some jack skellington items for the outside of the house for the holidays... we'll see how that goes.

anyways, Ryan had his first "tummy ache" the other night... that was NOT fun. He dumped in his shorts pretty much without knowing it, so once hans got him all cleaned up, we put him to bed and i reminded him that if his tummy started to hurt again, to not wait, just get up and to go to the bathroom. Well, within 20 minutes, Ryan is hauling ass into our bedroom/bathroom and says, "I'm SICK", so he runs to the bathroom and the next thing I hear is too disgusting for words and to even repeat. All i know is that my room starting reeking like death...I told hans He definately had to be the one to wipe that butt..I wasn't going anywhere near it. Poor thing.
Anyways, 1 class left before I am done with school.... Thank Goodness!! well, wouldn't you know, my first financial aid bill showed up... its no wonder people stay in school forever, they don't want to pay their financial aid... they just want to keep deferring their payments. JEEZ, it all makes sense now!

here are your words for today:

Ryan: Ryan tells my dad today, "papa, i need some money to go buy a halloween costume"...all of a sudden my dad pretends to fall asleep on the couch, snoring and all.
Aaron: Bird, T.V.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

TERRIBLE 2's....

Well, here I am again after how long? Work, school, family, etc....consuming all of my time. This month is very hectic as I knew that it would be. We have 4 birthdays this month in our family...3 of them are in 1 week. AGH!!! So basically, Aaron turned 2 on the 7th... and, yes. I am a bad mom. I didn't throw him a huge party like I do for Ryan. We basically just did a really nice family dinner here at the house with my family and then the next night we had a "pizza party" for Aaron at Round Table with Hans' family. I feel awful every day for not having a party, but, when you've got no expendable cash like you used to.... those are things that we can't just throw together anymore. So, mom and I decided that after the end of the month, we would just take Aaron by himself to Disneyland and spend the day with him. I know its not a party, but, I think its more for my guilt to spend the day at Disneyland with him.
My dads birthday was the next day, it was the 8th. So Hans and I invited mom and dad to dinner at Flemmings for Dad's birthday. Now, mind you... I know what I just said in the previous paragraph about not having money.... but, this is my dad! He does so much for us and gives us so much....I actually made a pretty decent commission check at work and told Hans that we have been pretty good and disciplined with our funds and I would really like to treat my dad (and mom) to a nice dinner. So, once he agreed, we made the reservation. Dinner was yummy of course. I asked Hans if he missed eating like that (we used to go there all the time) and he surprisingly said, "it wasn't that good tonight, I was kinda bummed". I was shocked at first, then I thought about it... he was so right! Dinner was yummy but it was not stupendous or out of this world, delicious. It was good. Just good. He made mention that he felt that the Newport Beach location served better tasting food, or it was just prepared better... something about the Rancho Cucamonga location not preparing the food to the best of it ability. oh, well...i was stoked, Flemmings is Flemmings to me... it had been a LONG time since we ate some goooood food!
Well, after that, came my birthday.... the famous 9/11 birthday girl. Let me just say, my birthday, not one of the better ones... I literally had a nervous breakdown at work and just cried the afternoon away. I got really mad at one of my bosses and all I could do was just cry out of built up aggravation and frustration. The CEO ended up in the office that day, and I tried to stay out of his way because I didn't want him to see me upset. Well, he came to talk to me, since we tend to get along pretty well, and I just avoided looking at him and he immediately knew that something was wrong.... He tried to cheer me up immediately and then became concerned and asked me what was wrong, if it was the job, etc.... I didn't want to complain or whine or anything, so I just told him that I was just frustrated and that I had already resolved the issue. Matt was super cool and knew that I was lying, so he just told me that if i needed anything, or EVER needed anything to call him. I knew he meant it and so I thanked him and told him that I appreciated the offer and Thanked him again for his concern. Well, I ended up going to school that night and class was so dang boring, I ended up leaving a bit early... we took a break around 8 and I apologized to my classmates and let them know that I had a lousy day at work, it was my birthday, and I just wanted to go home and be with my family... so, i left.
It just so happened that as I was getting onto the 71 fwy to go home, so was my husband!! he was getting on the freeway coming from the opposite direction... so i immediately called him and asked him if that was his truck driving in front of me on the 71..well, of course it was, he was at Nordstrom Rack with the boys birthday shopping for me. :) Nothing like waiting until the last minute... but gotta love it, he did good! Ryan, of course, tells me what they bought, not knowing that its a surprise, but in the end, i still ended up being surprised. Lots of goodies and finally some good company.
My mom and dad took Hans, myself and the boys to dinner for my birthday the following evening.... of course, i was worried that Aaron was going to have one of his tantrum episodes as soon as we put him in the highchair, like he so often does.... but to my absolute surprise, he didn't! Both boys, were the best that I have EVER seen them at dinner. Unbelievable. The past 3 dinners that I have had Aaron, he's been throwing tantrums, so we go visit the bathroom, give a spanking and sit him on the baby changing table until he's done crying. I guess after 3 times he finally figured out how he needed to behave when we are at a restaraunt.
Mom and Dad hooked up some awesome gifts too! wow!!! I was really excited.
So, now that we are on a birthday break for awhile...i just want to relax. My nephews birthday is at the end of the month... so i have some time to unwind and just play catch up with the house, school and hopefully work. School is over in 2 weeks, Thank Goodness!!
Well, I know that I definately have my work cut out for me, its like Aaron knew that he turned two and he's allowed to act like satan. Hans actually named him our "devil child". he is unlike any other kid I have ever come into contact with.... I have no clue what has come over him lately but I am about to lose my damn mind. He screams and cries and just like to throw tantrums...just because....! I can't handle it. I have become one of those mothers with the loud, obnoxious terrible child that I used to talk shit about every time I was out in public. I now have one of those children. The only thing that I don't have is a leash for him. Good lord! Well, I'm hoping that with all of the frustration that my child brings on me, something good has to come of it.

Words of the day:

Ryan: mommy, you're not a bad mommy! (i was telling my mom, that i'm such a bad mom for not noticing that Ryans shoes were a size and a half too small for him when we were at the Vans store yesterday buying him some new shoes) I felt like shit! that's what i get for letting him wear flip flops all summer long....I had no clue that his tennis shoes didn't fit him.

Aaron: mommy, i'm done. and then we waves his hands to say that he's done in sign language.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

alrighty then...

well, again, i let the time get the best of i am to lay it all out on the internet for everyone to read....hahaha..

work is consuming all of my time, my husband hates my job, my kids are out of control, the house is never clean and the weeds in my backyard are about ready to kill me. anything else? oh, and we just came back from the river...oh, and taking the kids...not so relaxing. did i mention that it was 114 degrees this weekend? oh my!

Oh, so just an update, my husband and i got into a "tiff" the other night, so i didn't get mad, i got a haircut! of course, he got more mad but whatever!! he has this image in his mind that I should have long curly hair, blah, blah, blah... well, i was tired of looking like a hag. I cut it and it feels great. paybacks are a biatch husband, and guess what? you married one! :) just kidding...well, kind of. we're back on track now but don't mess with a Sakamoto...haven't you learned this by now?

Ryan is crazier and funnier everyday. He begged to go to my moms house last week, so i called and asked if mom and dad would be up to babysitting for the day... of course, dad says, "bring them over" then he goes to wake mom up and say "boys are coming over" and then he retreats to the backyard to do his gardening. Apparently when I dropped the boys off that morning, Ryan immediately went out to the back to ask my dad what he was doing... so dad says, " i'm watering the grass" Ryan asks "why?" and dad says, "to keep it green" and my smart ass kid says, "the grass is already green" and then goes inside... that's not all.... Mom was trying to tell Ryan something and he looks at her and says (not mean, but as a matter of fact) "you're not the boss"...of course, he had to say that when my dad was there.... so of course dad is laughing his butt off and that's now his favorite line to tell my mom... "you're not the boss".

Don't think that's it... Mr. Aaron is getting in on the action too... Aaron thinks he can walk around my moms house with his milk... as she calls him back to the kitchen, he yells back to her, "NO!" and then proceeds to make shooting noises at her. Of course to which my dad is still laughing...that kid got the Sakamoto and Lander stuborness. He is 100% bitchy and stubborn. He is awful! The older he is getting, the worse it is becoming... I really need to get him to chanel his frustrations and stuborness into some type of activity or something... he's killing me!!

here are your words:

Ryan: you're not the boss, who ponked the horn? mommy, you have 2 kids.

Aaron: mew,mew, mew (that's his shooting noise), NO! It's mine., Ryan.

Monday, August 4, 2008


well, our weekend at the river was great, of course... it was super hot, humid and we had a great time. We ended up taking Ryan with us so there wasn't much relaxing going on but we all had fun. Ryan was bored during the adult activities but looooved when we would beach and he got to play with his sand toys and jump in the water. We met more people from our "cobra family" and partied with them all weekend.
We headed home about 4pm yesterday and that's when the never ending drive home began... Hans' truck began to take a wouldn't shift over 2000, needless to say, we couldn't climb any hills and with towing the was not a fun ride home. Like I said, we left at 4 and didn't get home until 1:30-1:45ish... not fun. oh well,...
while we were trying to figure out what to do without blowing the truck up, Ryan comments to us, "Mater is a tow truck, he can hook your truck and take you home"... how freaking cute is that? Ryan is too much. Gotta love him... he lightened the mood for us during our stressful drive home.
oh well...i have so much to say but just not enough energy to say it... oh and I can't even think straight as I just killed the hugest, ugliest dairy spider in my kitchen. it was so scary that I just wanted to run away but then i figured that if i didn't kill it that it would end up in my room or in one of the boys rooms... eeewww...i'm getting all freaked out just thinking about it again... yuk!
anyways, i'll try to update everyone with the life of lander later this week.