Sunday, July 27, 2008


so, here i am, back again... I finally remembered my email and password so now I can start writing again! I seem to have a case of short term memory.... too much stuff going on...
Well, we ended the last of our July birthday celebrations this weekend... we have been to a birthday party every weekend this month, and my husband is about to lose his damn mind. He claims i know too many people, blah, blah, blah.... whatever! well, he was starting to unwind knowing that the last birthday party was Saturday, now he's back in full stress mode trying to get ready to take off to the river this Friday... He has been in the driveway trying to put on these electric steps on his truck so that i won't be exposing anyone my "britney" when trying to get into the truck anymore... nasty, right?!
So, here it is, 9:30...Ryan has been fighting with me for the past hour and a half...he doesn't want to go to bed. He swears that there is a little boy "cripet" in his room and he can't sleep. Well, I informed him that the "cripet" is actually somewhere in my room and that I would go find him...Well, Ryan wasn't convinced so he followed me into my room and we pulled the couch off the wall, and sure enough, there was the "cripet". Ryan was SCREAMING like a damn little girl, so then I was freaking out because the cricket was going crazy and jumping all over the place. Needless to say, Ryan and I captured the "little boy cripet" and we're waiting for daddy to come in the house and remove him from our trap.
Today, the boys and I had lunch with mom, dad and Michael... Lunch went well, everyone was on their best behavior...well, not so much Ryan but it was still a nice, yummy lunch! Ryan suckered my dad into ordering him a sundae.... how could dad resist? Well, it was funny because when they brought the bill to my dad, Ryan still hadn't recieved his sundae. What cracked us all up was that Ryan noticed the bill arriving and was NOT having that!! He was ticked off that the waitress brought the bill ready to get us out of there and he didn't get his ice cream yet... of course, as we're all laughing, my dad assures Ryan that "don't worry, she's not getting any money until your ice cream gets here." So, Ryan immediately calmed down. too funny. I'm thinking with Ryan knowing the dining out drill I should probably start cooking at home a bit more.
Here's where its going to get a bit nasty... LOL... my mom graciously accepted my asking her to keep the boys overnight last night so that Hans and I could get some overdue yardwork done...My dad informs me that Ryan pooped so large, he is still in disbelief! I laughed and told him that I know my kid can poop something fierce...think back to the 1 piece of poop that got stuck in my toilet at 2 in the morning. HAHAHAH..I don't think he believed me, but now he does... AHAHAHAH...
anyways, i'm gonna head out...i'm still so tired. Here are your words for the day:

Aaron: 'no, it's mine!"
Ryan: Cripet

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