Wednesday, October 22, 2008

is it already wednesday?

well, as I sit here thinking "when is Aaron going to stop crying and fall asleep?" I am remembering the really fun weekend I just had and I can't believe its already wednesday!! It all started last Friday, I asked to leave work early because i was just sitting around doing nothing. I left, came home, checked in with the hubby, got some money and went to spoil myself for 45 minutes getting a pedicure. Now i have to say, I tried this new place down the street from my house, it was kinda pricey and they didn't do such a good job. They did a decent job but I really need to find somewhere to go! I can't handle looking for new nail people, this is insane!!
Once i got back home, Hans and I got the boys ready and we headed out to my friend, Brandi's house. We were finally getting together for our couples game night. It was nice because i got to bring the boys and they played with her daughter, Kaydance all night long! So while we played and ate and got drunk...the kids played upstairs and kept themselves occupied until 1:30 in the morning. I couldn't even believe that it had gotten so late! I have to admit, it was tons of fun. We totally had a blast.....we were so drunk that of course, we stayed the night. We decided to go to the Pancake House the next morning and we ate like kings... after that we parted ways as we were obligated to go to my nephews 1st birthday party. Well, my kids were looking pretty scragly, so I told Hans that we needed to get their hair cut before we go to the party. Well, I didn't feel like paying $40. to go to the kids haircut store, so Hans suggested taking the kids to the Big W. that is where Hans gets his hair cut. So, pressed for time and trying to save a buck, I agree. BIG MISTAKE!!! Aaron has a little bowl haircut... the bguy shaved the bottom of his head drenched the top of his hair, combed it down and plastered it to his head and the proceeded to take the scissors and run them across his head in a not so straight line. So, basically Aaron looks like he was attacked by a weed eater. The guy cutting his hair was like 60+ years old, it was out of control.
Ryans hair.... lets just say, my husband pretty much shaved it. I'm so ticked off because now its gong to look dumb for their Christmas pictures. Thank Goodness i bought the boys hats for their pictures!
Speaking of Christmas, I bought their outfits, they are ready to go...let's just see if I can make the time to take them to get their pics done. I think i have the boys shopping just about done...My mother in law really, really did alot for them this Christmas...She was showing me her inventory for the boys last night. WOW...I don't really have to do a whole lot of shopping for them. She really went all out and bought them alot of nice stuff. Not to mention, she bought them a Rhino as well... So, now the boys will have their own (powerwheels) Rhino to ride when we drive ours. They are going to love it!
Hans and i actually made our way to that Mattel outlet off of the 60 fwy... I wouldn't really call it an outlet, the prices aren't too much cheaper... but the 50% OFF aisle...there was some good stuff. We picked up a huge toy pirate ship for Ryan (for Christmas) it retails for $50. and with the discount(s) we only paid $17. for it. So, we were stoked about that... There was alot of Disney Cars toys...I think I will go back and pick some of that stuff up for their stockings and stuff... just have to make the time to get back out there.
My stepson is turning 16 in 5 weeks....I don't know what we are going to do....holeee lord!!! He asked us to not throw him a party, he would rather receive money to fix up his truck...of course, I was all about throwing the party... so, i'm kind of bummed...but I guess it worked out because, don't know if I mentioned this...Hans and I are now hosting the annual Sakamoto Thanksgiving Dinner this year...we are talking like 50 freaking people. Yikes!!! We will have to remind ourselves to Thank my dad for suggesting to have it at our house this year. We are somewhat up to it... I guess that is something that I should be working on.. I have no clue how to cook a turkey or do any of that stuff. Guess my mom is going to have to help out on this one....
Anyways, still haven't made it out to Disneyland, I am determined to get out there before the end of the month...

Here are your words:

Ryan: Bad Manners! (If we say something inappropriate or bad, Ryan immediately interjects and says "BAD MANNERS!!")

Aaron: Flower, Haylie, Donut, TV, Shoes, toes, water, I'm Done.

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