Monday, October 6, 2008

river season has come to an end...

well, we took our last river trip. we camped with some friends, and when I say camp, I mean sleep in a small trailer. As you all know, I don't sleep in tents and I absolutely refuse to. I did that one time and never again. I'm a brat, i know it, and if I start to forget, my husband reminds me about it. Hans and I took the boys and brought my stepson and his best friend, Eric (my other "stepson") it was fun. I'm definately getting better at driving the boat. I actually put it on the trailer in the wind and I must say, I did a pretty damn good job!! even Hans was impressed (I think) or else he pretended to be so that he wouldn't hurt my feelings. Well, in any case, i didn't end up on the fender and I didn't allow myself to drift onto someone else's trailer. So in my mind, it was a success!
Aaron and Ryan were their typical selves... crabby, whiney, hungry and definately had the parental ear muffs on. Its amazing how children can tune their parents out at any given time. Its so damn frustrating, I mean all I want to do is punch my kids in the heads sometimes for ignoring me but I have to remind myself that I'll go to jail. LOL! just kidding, bad joke. But seriously, my kids know how to push my buttons and they are only 2 and 3 for gods sake. It's freaking insane. It's hard to call a trip to the river with 2 children a vacation when you are so damn busy stressing out about one of them drowning. They always have a vest on but who knows what could happen? My Aaron is an Evil Kenieval...He is freaking crazy and has no fear what so ever! I think he is going to be a stuntman. Ryan on the other hand doesn't believe that anything bad can happen to him. He's definately more cautious than Aaron but he also knows mommy won't let anything bad happen to him if she can help it.
Ryan and Aaron are talking more than ever... In fact, I can't get Ryan to stop talking. He talks, and talks and talks..... My mom mentioned to me that she's even tried looking for an "off" button on him... he's too much. And Aaron, well, let's just say, he's always talking his crap. He's still got a mean attitude and he'll cuss you up and down in baby blabber...
well, I'm about to head to bed as I'm still trying to recover from the weekend. Here are your words for the day...

Ryan: "B, are you pissed off because your hat was in the trash?" Eric accidentally threw away brandons hat and they had to dig thru a dumpster to find it.

Aaron: "ryan, come here", he sings the itsy bitsy spider, counts to 5 and loves to sing the ABC's. "door" and of course, "NO".

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