Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow, where did that come from?

Well, we are back to the whole earthquake thing....We had quite a scare yesterday with that sudden sharp jolt that kept rolling and seemed neverending... I am somewhat okay with earthquakes, but what freaked me out yesterday was not having my kids with me. I know that they were with my mother in law and that they were probably safe but you just feel helpless not having your kids with you in the event of an emergency. The good Lord must have felt my helplessness because right after the quake had settled, I had called Hans to check on him and of course the phone lines had gone down... Well, i thought I'd give it another try to my mother in law, of course her house phone was down, but on the 3rd try, I was able to get thru to her cell phone! Thank Goodness... I needed to hear that my boys were safe and that they aren't losing their minds. they seemed to be okay and she assured me that they were so I stayed at work but still felt kind of uneasy. I then began to realize what was bothering me... it was what my dad has been lecturing me about for the past few years.... I needed to have a plan.
My dad has been on my ass for not having a disaster plan put in place for when the big one hits or some other type of disaster happens. I know that he is right and that I really need to do it, I just haven't made the time to do it. I'm just used to dad telling me what to do and I know I'm okay. I'm not used to initiating something, I'm just used to taking direction. Well, I just knew I was probably going to get the lecture about how this earthquake was nothing in comparison to what could be truly disasterous and there wasn't a plan of action.
Well, needless to say, I talked to Hans tonight about it and made him understand how dad wasn't just blowing smoke up our asses to be annoying... he is right. We NEED A PLAN!!! So, while Hans finally agreed, we started talking some things out and unfortunately we didn't get too far as I was starting to work on some homework but this is something that I'm not going to ignore anymore...I need to have this figured out and it needs to be soon. ;)

Well, with the lecture from dad comes some fun from Ryan. Well, after the crazy day we had yesterday, I get a call from my mother in law around 3 in the afternoon...I'm thinking "oh great, the kids are still going crazy, she's going to ask me to pick them up..." well, thank goodness that wasn't the case as i had sooo much to do at work...but the phone call was still pretty funny. Apparently, she noticed that Ryan was roaming her house "commando". WHAT?! She calls to ask me if Ryan came to her house with underwear this morning... I'm like, "yes, he does every day" well, apparently, he wasn't wearing any yesterday. I informed her that Ryan went to bed in underwear, woke up in them and he dressed himself. he's pretty good about wearing his underwear as he has a freakish obsession with them so it surprised me that he was at her house without underwear all day.. oh well... i guess he needed to "breathe". who knows...that kid is a mystery sometimes...

Well, all this stress of earthquakes, homework, work, fundings and the river trip has done no justice to my complexion! I now have some disgusting breakout and they are the huge craters that are under your skin. They freaking hurt! I'm so disgusted by them right now...I can't wait until this weekend, maybe once i can relax and float on my raft and drink me a cold alcoholic beverage my stress will begin to diminish and my complexion will clear up. how gross! I feel like i need to run out and get some Oxy Clean or something.... this is sooo wrong!

well, here are your words:

Ryan: Rocky made the house move (Ryan is blaming his grandma's cat for the earthquake)
Aaron: Ryaaaaaaa (ryan)

1 comment:

Shaena said...

Yeah, where the heck did that come from? Remember when the whitter quake hit and we were at st. margaret's waiting for school to start. Anyways, Garrett has been freaked out and obsessed with earthquakes ever since. I hope your boys aren't scared anymore.
I found your towel and it is clean and ready for you. Take care!