Thursday, May 29, 2008


So, since I am a single parent today and tommorow, I am hating life right now. My husband took my truck because his truck gets 2 miles to the gallon at over $5.00/gal... so, I have to drive his beast and it sucks! It's tall and loud and dirty! By the time I was done with work and went to pick up the boys, I was exhausted! Thank God my mom took pity on my sorry ass and made us all dinner so that I wouldn't have to deal with it. So, knowing that mom had dinner covered, i thought, wow, I might get a bit of a break tonight... SO NOT the case! My mother in law informed me that the boys didn't take afternoon naps. Shoot me! So, of course by the time we get to my moms house, the crying for no reason starts, I thought I would lose my mind. After I ate, I went to the kids playroom and passed out on the couch. I felt bad for letting my heathen children be unsupervised but it felt so damn good to doze off for that hour. It wasn't until my brother walked into the room dropped his pants, put his bare ass infront of my face and farted that I realized my kids had covered my body in legos. Lucky me. As the look on my face provided michael the laugh of his life, I figured it was about that time to get the kids and start driving home. So, here we are, traveling home and my kid is singing every freaking lullabye one he can think of.. he's even got his own "rappers delight" of lullabyes... he's mixing twinkle, twinkle with his abc's... i feel sorry for his teacher when he goes to school.
well, i'm off to watch the remainder of what is now that ludicrous show LOST. I used to really like it and now its so damn farfetched, its ridiculous. I think its been like 3 years and they're still on the island... oh well...
i may just head to bed, I have the whole bed to myself tonight without any marital obligation duties tonight! YES!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

back from hiatus...

well, I'm back from blogging hiatus. I have not made the time to write or to tell you about my crazy ass kids. Well, not much has changed, Ryan chooses when he will potty train... he was doing really good and then we left for the river and for 4 days he didn't potty train at my moms... so, now its been a real struggle to get him back into the swing of things. Aaron is really starting to stick up for himself now and is quite verbal. I haven't seen Brandon since the end of last month...we were supposed to go to the river this weekend but that is now out the window as Hans has decided to go to work.
Ryan has a new obsession with bouncy balls, he now calls them "jelly balls"... don't know where the phrase came from or why, but he can't stop talking about them.. He is also finding them all over the house and is driving everyone crazy with them.
Karen's boyfriend and his daughter and brother went to the river with us this past weekend... I think the daughter has ADD, enough said.
in all the years I have been going to the river with my husband, this past weekend was the shittiest... bad weather, rain... it sucked.
we had a lot of fun taking the rhino out for rides thru the trails at Parker... we almost hit a teryx head on ( or should I say a teryx almost hit us) in a canyon but we pulled out of it.
Work is going okay, its starting to get a little better, I love the location, the people and the flexibility, I just wish it was salary! miss that nice salary... oh well.
I splurged at big lots the other night and bought the boys a 3 piece summer pool... there is an alligator pool, an elephant that shoots water and a giraffe that has a waterfall from its long neck. I'm hoping it will warm up soon so that the boys can play with it. I think they are going to love it.
did i mention that Big Lots is freaking out of control... Walmart is definatley cheaper than them.. I almost shat myself when i saw this cute little zebra ottoman... for $250. WTF?! This isn't freaking Pier 1 !!!! and a really nice TV console for $1100. HOLY JESUS... Did Ethan Allen have a sale?! Can you believe those prices? That's ridiculous expensive. The Mathis Brothers and Living Spaces has furniture for cheaper... I'm still in shock.. Thank God my house is furnished!
I think I'm taking ryan to disneyland on friday after work... I'll have to convince my mom to go with us since I won't have a sitter for Aaron, unless my mom wants to stay home with Aaron...hmmm..... I doubt it, she's like a kid...she'll totally want to go. anyways, Mrs. Procrastination is here and she's got to write Chapter 4 of her thesis... so until then... here are your words for today.

Aaron: NOOOOO, IT's MINE!!!
Ryan: Daddy, you are not the boss, mommy is. ( that's my boy)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The time got by me yet again...

Well, I was supposed to be writing my thesis paper since last Thursday, but, you know how that goes... PROCRASTINATOR!!! I finished Chapter 1 last night and will start Chapter 2 tonight after I bitch about it in my blog.
I rec'd a message from mom on Monday... the weather was gloomy, therefor she wanted to cook. So we had dinner at moms and didn't get home until about 8. I was tired, the house was a mess and I wanted to watch THe Hills. So I gave the kids a bath and put them down, cleaned up a bit around the house and watched my show. After the show, I ended up watching the news, then caught some of the Oprah and Barbara Walters interview that's when all hell broke loose! Aaron woke up screaming in his sleep around 12:30, so I went to check on him and he was burning up! I got him to cool down and put him back to bed, I proceeded back to my room to go to sleep when Ryan woke up and I could hear him wimpering... I went into his room and he had this look of "what the hell just happened" on his face, so I asked him if he was alright and there it was... he had thrown up all over himself and the bed. okay, so, I strip him down, strip the bed, clean the sheets off, throw them in the washer, find some new sheets, make Ryans bed, finish cleaning him up, and put him back to bed. Okay... everyone is settled in bed, time for me to get some sleep. mmmmm, not so much.
Aaron woke up screaming again... so I gave him his "baby" blanket and he settled down, I figured okay, thats all it was. Back to bed... Well, the next thing I know Ryan is in my doorway and isn't saying anything, so I ask him if he's okay or if he needs to throw up again. He advises me that he threw up again, but this time, he did it on the floor because he's a "big boy". He made sure that he didn't throw up in the bed. AWWW! how freaking cute is my kid. He's sick and he's worried about pleasing me. too cute. anyways, so back out of bed, I have to clean the carpet in Ryans room, put Ryan back to bed, finally got to bed, closed my eyes and there it was again. Aaron is screaming like someone is killing him. Hans and I go to his room to see what is wrong, Aaron is so freaking hot that I can barely hold him. Hans takes his temp and its over 103. We immediately strip him down and put him in a lukewarm bath to bring his temp down. We got it down to 100 and gave him some tylenol and just put him back to bed in a diaper. I don't think I got to sleep until 3 that morning and then hans woke me up at 6 to help him get the boys ready to go to his moms house for the day. I was exhausted and delirious! So, needless to say, here I am in the dungeon bedroom trying to find some strength and ambition to finish Chapter 2 of my Thesis paper that is due tomm night at 6 pm sharp! ugh!! well, i guess I'm off to complete the unimaginable. here are your words:

Ryan: Auntie moe had a ratatouille at her work today (she found a rat in the office)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

and what a weekend it was...

well, saturday came and went like that. We pretty much spent the majority of the day outside in the back yard doing some much overdue yardwork. I am pretty much hurting today from all the work that we did but still managed to have a good day with the boys. Since Hans had to work today, we ended up going to my moms house and we went to BJ's for lunch. It was sooo yummy!! After that, I took Brandon and Aaron to the mall so that Brandon could buy a gift for his mom...Karen and her kids ended up going to the mall too, so that was kinda fun. There were so many people out today just enjoying the beautiful weather. Well, we went back to mom's house to pick up Ryan and came home to wait for Hans so that we could all go to his sister's house for their mothers day celebration. We actually just got home and of course...I'm EXHAUSTED!! LOL.... I have to start writing my research paper for school and I've been bad, I should have been focusing on that this weekend and I haven't. I'm really going to have to buckle down on that and get it done. Anyways, the boys are getting crazy as ever. Ryan has been spitting at people, on people and anywhere that he can. Aaron is getting the last of his teeth and it has had the worst side effects ever! His nose has been running constantly, he is just pooping water and blowing out his diapers and he has a fever. It really sucks!! Apparently he threw up all over in his crib Friday morning... I'm hoping that this will pass soon... poor kid! On a positive note, Aaron was really starting to talk this weekend... and Ryan...let's just say, we need him to clean up his mouth! here are your words....

Ryan: "Ary has diahreee" (diahrea), "that plane is pissed off because he crashed" (as we are driving up Euclid Ave and he sees the planes sitting at the Chino airport).... I really have to work on Ryans mouth!
Aaron: "daddy", "ball", "bless you", "thank you", "NO". He's really beginning to talk, it's so freaking cute!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

early mothers day outing

Today, mom and I decided that we were going to get out and spend some mother-daughter time for mothers day. We decided to go to Disneyland tonight and go to dinner. We went to Disneyland around 6 and then went browsing at Downtown Disney and then finished off the night getting stuffed at El Torito. It was fun and definately well deserved! I finally got to go to the submarine ride that I have been longing to do since we got our annual passes at Christmas. I figured, what the heck? I don't have any kids or strollers with me, let's do this! So mom and I waited in line for about 45 minutes and off we went to see Nemo. It was really creative the way the ride was set up, it's like you were watching a cartoon in the water. I can't wait until the boys are a bit older so that I can take them on that ride. Aside from that, not much else is going on... It's mothers day weekend so I'm sure Hans and I will be doing our last minute shopping tomm. It's so hard to be generous when you're broke!!! But, we'll do our best!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

soooo tired!

I probably got home from school about an hour ago and my eyes feel like they are on fire! I am exhausted!!
Today was the boys first day at home with Daddy being on his new 4/10 schedule. Ryan didn't know what to do with himself... First he wanted to go to work with me, then he was mad because he wanted to go to grandmas house and finally I got him to calm down and eat some breakfast while I began to sneak out of the front door. That's when Ryan stopped me... He shouted out, "you forgot to give me a hug and a kiss!" So as soon as I gave Ryan some love, I scooted on out of the house and went to work. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of things at work, I rec'd my first loan today and I also rec'd an additional 14 loan officers. I now have 21 loan officers that I work for exclusively. wow! I hope that they start sending me some work as I pretty much don't have a whole lot to do right now.
I think I may still be suffering from dinner last night... My mothers in laws birthday was yesterday and we ended up going to Round Table with the whole family and friends for pizza and beer. I was tired from work, I was still in my heels, the boys were out of control from not napping at grandmas and daddy just did his thing like he always does. Ryan, of course, decided to take a german shepard size poo in his pull up so I had to take him to the bathroom and change him... in the meantime, daddy was holding Aaron when I left... However, when I came back he wasn't holding Aaron and in fact Aaron wasn't even in sight... I quickly glanced at all of my sister in laws, Hans' mom, Stepdad, stepbrothers... everyone in that room! I quickly and sternly asked hans where the hell aaron was. he looked at me like duh...he's over _____ oh shit! I don't know where he's at... I put him down and now he's gone! So, basically, I'm like, "look rocket scientist husband of mine... that normally happens when you put a 18 month old baby down and turn your head... they walk away! UGH!! I could have stabbed him with the shitty damaged silverware at the pizza joint! So, we send out a "search party" for Aaron in the Pizza Joint and it turns out he's at the front of the store, eating a sucker, playing with the toy machines! I was lucky that he didn't walk out the front door that the toy vending machines were next to... I was just so upset about that, then the room we were in was like 100 degrees and the Laker game was on and the damn tv was so loud... I just wished that the ground would swallow me up, i wanted to be anywhere but at the pizza place at that moment... I couldn't get out of there quick enough... oh well, it finally came to an end and we came home, put the kids to bed and that's about all that I remember. what a day... like I said, I think i'm still tired from everything going on this week and now it's mothers day weekend! ay dios mios.... what the hell am I going to do?!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

it's a new day...

Well, for the past 2 days I've been "training" at this job. I think I'm really going to like it (once I get the hang of it) but for now, it's just really overwhelming! I'm sad that I'm not home with the boys now...It's just like they say, "be careful what you wish for..." I wanted a job sooo bad and now that I have one, I'm so bummed that I'm not at home. That could just be the complainer in me too. I was just telling Hans how I hate coming home and my house isn't clean, or the boys rooms aren't clean and our bed isn't made because I'm too freaking lazy to make in the morning... Now I just feel like there isn't enough time in the day to do it all. oh well... things happen for a reason...
I'll just continue with school and see where it takes me.
The boys have ended back up at their grandma's house, meaning Hans' mom since my mom goes to school during the day. It was like they had never left! They walked into her house owning that place! The kids were thrilled to see Ryan and Aaron and of course, Ryan, is the cool kid of the house.. and he knows it. So, that gave me some relief that I didn't have to worry about the boys.
My hubby is the one that I worry about now. He took this new job to be able to spend more time with us as a family, and to tell you the truth, I see him less and he's not happy there...but he won't admit it to me. I hope that he does something about it soon, I don't like seeing him like that.
Ryan has learned to use the remote for the t.v. in the truck. He's driving me crazy with it... He's really just too smart and I just keep asking myself, "when will it end?" Funny story... we were at Chick's Sporting Goods the other day with Michael and my mom... Ryan decided that he needed new "flops", therefor, he grabed a pair that he liked, ripped the tags off and told my mom, "I need these new flops" and that was the end of that! What Ryan wants, Ryan gets (most of the time!) So, needless to say, mom bought the new flops and he hasn't taken them off since... by the way, they weren't cheapies, they were freaking Rainbows! that kid has expensive taste!!
Oh, and FYI~ Aaron has gotten over his fear of little stairs... he's still afraid of the big ones and continues to go down them on his hands and knees.

Here are your words for the day:

Ryan: rat touille, lezout (zelout, the little 3 eyed guys from toy story)
Aaron: daddy!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

"where's your black nails?"

Normally on Sundays, mom and I will go to get pedicures together. Today was a day very much needed for pedicures. On our way to moms house, I explained to Ryan that Uncle Michael would be watching him this morning while mommy and mom go and get their nails done. I explained that uncle michael was the boss and that whatever michael says, goes! Well, Ryan giving me the look like "are you crazy? you're leaving us with Michael?" And I just look back at him and reassure him that everything is going to be great and he's going to have a fun time with Uncle Michael.
As soon as we get to moms, Ryan is on a scavenger hunt thru the kitchen cabinets looking for snacks, Aaron is right behind him and I can't get those 2 kids out of the kitchen... well, I ended up making them an early lunch, put Aaron down for his morning nap and started to say my goodbye's to Ryan as I was about to go and get spoiled for about 45 minutes. He started to freak out a bit and then he just stopped. He looked at me and said, " I want you to get black nails". huh?! so, he repeated to me, "I want you to get black nails" I was thinking this had to be some kinda joke or something... well, needless to say, I didn't get black nails... I got pink! Well, as soon as we got home, the first thing Ryan did was look at my feet and say, "you didn't get black nails!", "where's your black nails?" I had to explain to him that they ran out of black nail polish and so I decided to get pink. I asked him if he liked them and moms nails too... He looked at both of our feet, made the face and said "NO". LOL... whatever. My kid is too much! Since when do boys determine what color our nails should be? Ryan feels it is his duty to share with me what is "acceptable" to him. hahhaahah...

Here's your words for today:

Aaron: "whoa!", "baby", "snack"
Ryan: "The MAN!!!" (police officers are referred to as the MAN)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

what the hell???!!!

LOL.... so, tonight was the big "performance" for my moms dance class. Her lame teacher has been building up this dumb show for weeks now, telling everyone how people really look forward to this performance put on by the dance majors, blah, blah blah.... Well, my mom had to go to this thing for an assignment and I told her that I would go with her, no big deal... Well, after the 1st performance, it became a big deal. What a freaking joke!!! I can't even express how awful this show was, and to think that my mom had to buy tickets to be subjected to this crap?! Wow... So, all the dancers were "heavy" and the performances were just awful. I'm not sure if some of them were supposed to be some type of "abstract art" or what, but there was no synchronozation, there was no rythym.. there were guys dancing with each other.. or should I say rolling on the ground TOGETHER! I was so put off by these performances, what a joke. So, I couldn't even clap or give a courtesy clap when each performance was done... I have to say that a children's dance recital would have been more entertaining and better than what these college students did. I was telling my mom that she needed to explain to her teacher that this Dance Performance was more like a really bad talent show or should I say talentless show. By the time the intermission came, my mom had enough, she said she couldn't handle it anymore and we got the hell out of there! Oh holy lord!!! Oh well, at least she can say that she went. If any of you get suckered into going to a performance like that, i suggest that you don't go. Anyways, I'm out...I had Hans take me out for a margarita tonight after being exposed to such juvenile talent. So, I'm feeling it right now... hahaha, can't wait for tomm... it's pedicure day...I love to get spoiled for that 45 minutes, it's like a little piece of heaven.

Friday, May 2, 2008

yay for friday!

Today was a good day. Ryan woke up this morning asking to call Lauren ( he knew that she spent the night at my moms house) so we immediately called mom to ask for a play date with Lauren. We ended up making lunch plans and headed down to Chino for lunch with Mom and Dad. On a side note really quick.... Lunch was really good, the service was great considering we were there on the lunch rush so dad was real quick to hook the server up with a nice tip. Mom paid the bill and dad gave me $20. to give the server. So I signed moms credit card slip, left the $20. and wrote a quick "Thank You" to the server on the receipt. Well, before I know it, she's running out of the restaurant chasing us in the parking lot to Thank us for the tip! So, I tell her, "your welcome" and explain to her that it's from my dad, blah, blah, blah, she says to Thank him... so my dad asks me, "what did she say?" (since he was a couple steps ahead of me in the parking lot) So I tell him how the conversation went, and instead of being happy about making her day at work, he proceeds to tell me (jokingly, in the Leon way...) "well, if she was that Thankful, she should have been hugging me and bumping and grinding on me..." WTF?! i was dying! I couldn't believe my dad was saying that, even though I know he's kidding but holy lord! when will it end?! oh well, at least he has a sense of humor.
So, after lunch and the "episode" we dropped dad off at the house and decided to take the kids to Victoria Gardens to play in the "jumping water" at the top of the grassy knoll. Ryan couldn't even wait to get there, he saw the water and started stripping down. He was the first one in the water. Lauren took a couple minutes to get motivated and to join Ryan but once she did, she had a blast! I finally felt comfortable with letting Aaron loose, so before I knew it, all 3 kids were playing in the water and having a really good time. It wasn't until mom said, "did you bring dry shorts for the boys to wear?" that I realized I screwed up! I brought everything that I could think of except for their shorts!!! I had towels, sunscreen, dry shoes, little swimmers, new diapers, you name it, I had it...except for the shorts!! So, we ended up running across to the Children's Place and bought some shorts for Ryan. I just kept Aaron in his diaper and t shirt since he was in the stroller all bundled up anyways... I have to say, I don't shop at the Children's Place much... I guess, I just have my favorite designers that I like for my boys, but I was pretty impressed with the stuff that they had... They had the cutest cargo shorts for Ryan and cutest printed T's and the store is really inexpensive! I think we bought 2 pair of cargo shorts for $15. Lauren decided that she wanted flip flops, so mom bought her 2 pairs for $5. wow! can't beat those prices!! I'm sure that the selection of clothes per season is hit and miss, but for the summer stuff, I was liking what they had... I'll have to keep this store in mind in the future when shopping for the boys!
Well, the boys had fun as did Lauren. Mom and I had fun, just hanging out in the shade watching the 3 houligans and then we bought snacks and drove mom and Lauren home. I don't think we have too much going on this weekend... I have a dance performance that I'm going to with my mom for her dance class but that's about it.... anyways, here are your words for today.. you'll be thrilled with Ryans "enhanced" vocabulary.

Words of the Day:

Ryan: "What up yo?" and can't forget...."FUCKER".....okay, where in the hell did that come from???? hahahaa... he actually was mimicking a movie that daddy was watching. Thanks daddy!! on a side note, Ryan proudly shouted "FUCKER" to Uncle Michael tonight as he was leaving our house tonight. Good God, i need help!!!

Oh, and i forgot to mention... Ryan has a fascination with crappy roads. When we are driving on rough roads with pot holes and stuff, Ryan likes to shout out, "This is a DUMPY road", "I don't like this DUMPY road" where did he learn the word "dumpy" from? and why does he relate it to crappy paved streets? hahahahaha... the minds of children amaze me.