Sunday, May 11, 2008

and what a weekend it was...

well, saturday came and went like that. We pretty much spent the majority of the day outside in the back yard doing some much overdue yardwork. I am pretty much hurting today from all the work that we did but still managed to have a good day with the boys. Since Hans had to work today, we ended up going to my moms house and we went to BJ's for lunch. It was sooo yummy!! After that, I took Brandon and Aaron to the mall so that Brandon could buy a gift for his mom...Karen and her kids ended up going to the mall too, so that was kinda fun. There were so many people out today just enjoying the beautiful weather. Well, we went back to mom's house to pick up Ryan and came home to wait for Hans so that we could all go to his sister's house for their mothers day celebration. We actually just got home and of course...I'm EXHAUSTED!! LOL.... I have to start writing my research paper for school and I've been bad, I should have been focusing on that this weekend and I haven't. I'm really going to have to buckle down on that and get it done. Anyways, the boys are getting crazy as ever. Ryan has been spitting at people, on people and anywhere that he can. Aaron is getting the last of his teeth and it has had the worst side effects ever! His nose has been running constantly, he is just pooping water and blowing out his diapers and he has a fever. It really sucks!! Apparently he threw up all over in his crib Friday morning... I'm hoping that this will pass soon... poor kid! On a positive note, Aaron was really starting to talk this weekend... and Ryan...let's just say, we need him to clean up his mouth! here are your words....

Ryan: "Ary has diahreee" (diahrea), "that plane is pissed off because he crashed" (as we are driving up Euclid Ave and he sees the planes sitting at the Chino airport).... I really have to work on Ryans mouth!
Aaron: "daddy", "ball", "bless you", "thank you", "NO". He's really beginning to talk, it's so freaking cute!!

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