Friday, May 2, 2008

yay for friday!

Today was a good day. Ryan woke up this morning asking to call Lauren ( he knew that she spent the night at my moms house) so we immediately called mom to ask for a play date with Lauren. We ended up making lunch plans and headed down to Chino for lunch with Mom and Dad. On a side note really quick.... Lunch was really good, the service was great considering we were there on the lunch rush so dad was real quick to hook the server up with a nice tip. Mom paid the bill and dad gave me $20. to give the server. So I signed moms credit card slip, left the $20. and wrote a quick "Thank You" to the server on the receipt. Well, before I know it, she's running out of the restaurant chasing us in the parking lot to Thank us for the tip! So, I tell her, "your welcome" and explain to her that it's from my dad, blah, blah, blah, she says to Thank him... so my dad asks me, "what did she say?" (since he was a couple steps ahead of me in the parking lot) So I tell him how the conversation went, and instead of being happy about making her day at work, he proceeds to tell me (jokingly, in the Leon way...) "well, if she was that Thankful, she should have been hugging me and bumping and grinding on me..." WTF?! i was dying! I couldn't believe my dad was saying that, even though I know he's kidding but holy lord! when will it end?! oh well, at least he has a sense of humor.
So, after lunch and the "episode" we dropped dad off at the house and decided to take the kids to Victoria Gardens to play in the "jumping water" at the top of the grassy knoll. Ryan couldn't even wait to get there, he saw the water and started stripping down. He was the first one in the water. Lauren took a couple minutes to get motivated and to join Ryan but once she did, she had a blast! I finally felt comfortable with letting Aaron loose, so before I knew it, all 3 kids were playing in the water and having a really good time. It wasn't until mom said, "did you bring dry shorts for the boys to wear?" that I realized I screwed up! I brought everything that I could think of except for their shorts!!! I had towels, sunscreen, dry shoes, little swimmers, new diapers, you name it, I had it...except for the shorts!! So, we ended up running across to the Children's Place and bought some shorts for Ryan. I just kept Aaron in his diaper and t shirt since he was in the stroller all bundled up anyways... I have to say, I don't shop at the Children's Place much... I guess, I just have my favorite designers that I like for my boys, but I was pretty impressed with the stuff that they had... They had the cutest cargo shorts for Ryan and cutest printed T's and the store is really inexpensive! I think we bought 2 pair of cargo shorts for $15. Lauren decided that she wanted flip flops, so mom bought her 2 pairs for $5. wow! can't beat those prices!! I'm sure that the selection of clothes per season is hit and miss, but for the summer stuff, I was liking what they had... I'll have to keep this store in mind in the future when shopping for the boys!
Well, the boys had fun as did Lauren. Mom and I had fun, just hanging out in the shade watching the 3 houligans and then we bought snacks and drove mom and Lauren home. I don't think we have too much going on this weekend... I have a dance performance that I'm going to with my mom for her dance class but that's about it.... anyways, here are your words for today.. you'll be thrilled with Ryans "enhanced" vocabulary.

Words of the Day:

Ryan: "What up yo?" and can't forget...."FUCKER".....okay, where in the hell did that come from???? hahahaa... he actually was mimicking a movie that daddy was watching. Thanks daddy!! on a side note, Ryan proudly shouted "FUCKER" to Uncle Michael tonight as he was leaving our house tonight. Good God, i need help!!!

Oh, and i forgot to mention... Ryan has a fascination with crappy roads. When we are driving on rough roads with pot holes and stuff, Ryan likes to shout out, "This is a DUMPY road", "I don't like this DUMPY road" where did he learn the word "dumpy" from? and why does he relate it to crappy paved streets? hahahahaha... the minds of children amaze me.

1 comment:

Shaena said...

I've done the same thing with the water at the victoria gardens. I had to run into children's place to buy Garrett shorts. It is an inexpensive store but it is very hit and miss with their clothes.
Talk to you soon!