Sunday, May 4, 2008

"where's your black nails?"

Normally on Sundays, mom and I will go to get pedicures together. Today was a day very much needed for pedicures. On our way to moms house, I explained to Ryan that Uncle Michael would be watching him this morning while mommy and mom go and get their nails done. I explained that uncle michael was the boss and that whatever michael says, goes! Well, Ryan giving me the look like "are you crazy? you're leaving us with Michael?" And I just look back at him and reassure him that everything is going to be great and he's going to have a fun time with Uncle Michael.
As soon as we get to moms, Ryan is on a scavenger hunt thru the kitchen cabinets looking for snacks, Aaron is right behind him and I can't get those 2 kids out of the kitchen... well, I ended up making them an early lunch, put Aaron down for his morning nap and started to say my goodbye's to Ryan as I was about to go and get spoiled for about 45 minutes. He started to freak out a bit and then he just stopped. He looked at me and said, " I want you to get black nails". huh?! so, he repeated to me, "I want you to get black nails" I was thinking this had to be some kinda joke or something... well, needless to say, I didn't get black nails... I got pink! Well, as soon as we got home, the first thing Ryan did was look at my feet and say, "you didn't get black nails!", "where's your black nails?" I had to explain to him that they ran out of black nail polish and so I decided to get pink. I asked him if he liked them and moms nails too... He looked at both of our feet, made the face and said "NO". LOL... whatever. My kid is too much! Since when do boys determine what color our nails should be? Ryan feels it is his duty to share with me what is "acceptable" to him. hahhaahah...

Here's your words for today:

Aaron: "whoa!", "baby", "snack"
Ryan: "The MAN!!!" (police officers are referred to as the MAN)

1 comment:

Shaena said...

Too funny! At he least he noticed that you got your nails done. That trait will get him get him bonus points when he's married. Hey what happened to your email. It keeps bouncing back to me. Did u change it? Talk 2 u soon!