Thursday, May 29, 2008


So, since I am a single parent today and tommorow, I am hating life right now. My husband took my truck because his truck gets 2 miles to the gallon at over $5.00/gal... so, I have to drive his beast and it sucks! It's tall and loud and dirty! By the time I was done with work and went to pick up the boys, I was exhausted! Thank God my mom took pity on my sorry ass and made us all dinner so that I wouldn't have to deal with it. So, knowing that mom had dinner covered, i thought, wow, I might get a bit of a break tonight... SO NOT the case! My mother in law informed me that the boys didn't take afternoon naps. Shoot me! So, of course by the time we get to my moms house, the crying for no reason starts, I thought I would lose my mind. After I ate, I went to the kids playroom and passed out on the couch. I felt bad for letting my heathen children be unsupervised but it felt so damn good to doze off for that hour. It wasn't until my brother walked into the room dropped his pants, put his bare ass infront of my face and farted that I realized my kids had covered my body in legos. Lucky me. As the look on my face provided michael the laugh of his life, I figured it was about that time to get the kids and start driving home. So, here we are, traveling home and my kid is singing every freaking lullabye one he can think of.. he's even got his own "rappers delight" of lullabyes... he's mixing twinkle, twinkle with his abc's... i feel sorry for his teacher when he goes to school.
well, i'm off to watch the remainder of what is now that ludicrous show LOST. I used to really like it and now its so damn farfetched, its ridiculous. I think its been like 3 years and they're still on the island... oh well...
i may just head to bed, I have the whole bed to myself tonight without any marital obligation duties tonight! YES!!!!

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