Wednesday, April 30, 2008

here we go again...

so, instead of writing my (not to exceed) 8 page paper for class tommorow, I'd rather blog and complain about it. It's going on 9 and I haven't even begun to think about how I am going to structure this paper. Thank Goodness that the boys are in bed. I can hear Aaron singing to himself, I believe Ryan is passed out. I haven't heard his door open and close checking on me to see if I'm around... OMG! Strike that last sentance... Aaron isn't singing to himself, he's laughing hysterically... so is RYAN!! I just checked on them and wouldn't you know....Ryan has jumped into Aarons crib with him and they are playing together. Ryan freaked out because he knows daddy is going to spank him and Aaron nonchalontly says, "blah blah blah tractor".. Aaron tried to play and plead his innocence by asking for a tractor. Dear god, what am I to do? Well, the boys are back in their own beds, hopefully they will stay there for the remainder of the evening.

Tonight Ryan decided that he wanted McDonalds for dinner. As I'm ordering at the drive thru Ryan shouts out from the backseat to the drive thru speaker, "And I NEED a soda!!!" Aye dios mios!!! that kid is going to be the death of me. So, needless to say, I got the night off from cooking, we ate unhealthy tonight and I'm okay with it.... :)

1 comment:

Shaena said...

That's why I don't want to go and get my master's. I don't know how I would budget my time.
I hope you got the paper done. Talk to you soon!