Monday, June 30, 2008

its july already?

my biggest complaint... of all time... Where has the time gone???? where has the month of June gone? OMG! can't believe its going to be July tomm. I can't believe that I'm finally almost done with school.. I can't believe that Aaron is going to be 2 in 3 mos.
Sooo much has been going on and I've been really bad about documenting it.. I've just let work consume my life again...but you know what? I've needed it. I love my job again and I feel like I'm finally transitioning into my role at work.
Ryan and I went to see Wall-E this weekend... it was disapointing... Ryan straight asked if he could go home during the movie...even he was bored!
We went to a swimming party this weekend..Ryan had a blast!!!
This weekend we are headed off to the River for some adult fun... Can't wait! I'll have to catch everyone up with the lives of Lander when I make some time. Until then....

here they are....

Ryan: "you are my sunshine"... he practiced and practiced... he knows all the words to mommys favorite song.

Aaron: "NO NO NO!"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

seriously... was it hot enough this weekend?

This past friday was Hans' birthday... we didn't do too much as the saga of what is my life continues... I have NO money!!! Thank goodness for my family... Mom, Karen and Michael put together a really yummy bbq for Hans' birthday.. There was all kinds of great food and lots of drinks.
I've really been wanting to bonfire for quite some time so we had a bonfire in the backyard... Hans ran out of lighter fluid and decided to use gasoline.... the result of that... funny as hell... the wood bursted into a HUGE ball of fire and screamed "whoosh"!! I thought it was freaking hilarious as it scared the crap out of Hans but in reality...its not. I can't help it though.. i have a sick sense of humor.
We said goodbye to everyone about 1 in the morning and got up about 5 hours later to help mom clean out her storage locker... that didn't take too long, thank goodness. Around 330, Hans and I were going to be babysitting our nephew, Connor. He's so freaking cute and I was so excited to have a baby in the house... well, that plan backfired. As soon as Connor figured out that his mommy had left the house, he freaked out! He literally cried for 4 hours straight... I couldn't believe it!! I never really knew what the meaning of "mama's boy" meant until saturday night... Holeeee Shit! I thought Hans was going to kill himself. Oh well... maybe we just need to see Connor more often so that he's not so freaked out by us.
sorry this is so short... i feel lousy from all the heat this past weekend and I'm just tired.... I'll be sure to get on top of this blog this week... Here are some new words for ya...

Aaron: Nak (snack), Bah (ball)

Monday, June 16, 2008

fathers day...

Fathers day was great... we went and took our favorite daddy's to PF Changs for lunch.. we had a really good time. Of course, my kids were crabby and irritated, but what can you do? They reminded me again that trying to have a 3rd child would be suicidal....
after lunch, we went to my sister in laws house for a fathers day celebration with my hubbys family... the boys went swimming and had a blast!!! they were still so exhausted this morning when trying to drag them out of bed.
I had the absolute WORST day of my life at work today..this piece of shit loan officer actually made me cry out of frustration... i terminated my contract with her...her bullshit is not worth getting paid, it was that bad. I told her she needed to find someone else to process her loans and put up with her jeckyl and hyde behavior. screw that.
thank god hans took pity on my ass and made dinner tonight. i was not in the mood and did not have the energy. anyways, Aaron all of a sudden has quite a vocabulary... here are your words..

aaron: motor kykle, stop it, no, mom, papa, mommy, daddy, car, truck and eat.
Ryan: "i did a poop all by myself, my daddy was so proud, it was stinky!"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I went to the mall tonight to see if I could find the men in my life a gift for Fathers Day. First of all, the mall I randomly decided to go to... SUCKED. The Tyler Mall... why did I even waste my gas? anyways, now that Ryan is potty trained, I needed to buy him some more undies... so we went to the Childrens Place and I only found 1 package of chonies in his size... so, irritated that I could only spend $5.00, I bought them... So, When I went to the Pumpkin Patch store to see if they had anything I happened to notice that there were some items in the bottom of the stroller that I didn't recongnize. It seems that Ryan had picked up another package of underwear and a set of pj's. I immediately asked him where they came from and he just said, "but I needed them". UGH!! Mortified, I looked to see what he had lifted and wouldn't you know it... the underwear and pajamas were totally his size! OMG!! Is that ridiculous or what? Crazy!!! Too embarrassed to go back, I just brought them home... how awful is that? Anyways, just thought I'd share that all with you.. Aaron is talking up a storm like crazy!!!

Words of the day:

Aaron: Car, Paaaark, tree, Connor, yay, mom, and papa

Monday, June 9, 2008

toasty warm...

this past weekend we did end up going to the river... we went to Parker and had a fun and semi-relaxing time. The boys did really well. Ryan was ecstatic to be at the river, he looooves it and Aaron, well, he LOVED it too. He had so much fun playing at the sandbar and jumping in the water... I didn't really get too relax too much as I was chasing the boys around and being a super duper overprotective mommy but i still managed to have a good time.
On saturday, there was a Fathers Day Float and there had to be at least 1000 floats out on the river just partying as they floated by.. it sucked because it kind of wasted our day with all those people in the water, we had to pretty much just drive like we were in a no wake zone up and down the whole river. by the end of the day, we went to Roadrunners for drinks and an early dinner... wouldn't you know that some white looking rick james looking guy didn't tie his boat up right and it got loose at the dock, guess who's boat it hit? of hit my boat. what an ass. We wouldn't have even known had the security not been hauling ass down to the dock to get the runaway boat off of ours. Punk Ass. well, hans was grateful that those guys took care of business so he bought them all Roadrunner Rapers. That crap will kill you... it's got Everclear in it... I took one drink of it and just about gagged... talk about drinking rubbing alcohol...gross.
Ryan's potty training continued as we were out there... he did really well and then Sunday came. He got up really early and like a good boy, went to the bathroom once he got out of bed, well, my in-laws trailer blows mad air into the bathroom and freezes the porcelin toilet... well Ryan couldn't handle it and peed EVERYWHERE in the bathroom.. when Jim (g-pa) was telling me about it, I thought I would die but then Ryan told me, "but mommy, it was sooo cold in there" Then Jim kinda laughed it off and forgave Ryan. I felt bad but I can understand what Ryan was talking about because the toilet does get really cold!!
Well on sunday, we didn't do too much, we just drove the boat and went to eat lunch at Fox's then went to the sandbar for the kids to play with their sandtoys. when it was time to go, Aaron threw a fit! He did NOT want to be in the boat... he wanted to play in the sand with his toys.
We packed up the boys and all the toys and headed back to the camp to start getting ready to go home. I finally got some color on my raw poultry looking skin and so did the boys... Aaron now looks like the sunlight touches him.. he's not so ghostly looking anymore.
On our way home from Parker, we stopped at In-N-Out in Indio... Ryan kept claiming that he had to poop...2 trips to the bathroom and nothing... as we are getting ready to leave the restaraunt, we pick ryan up from his seat and he has peed everywhere!! I was MORTIFIED. I could have died.. how freaking embarrasing.. he was in the bathroom twice while we were there and he decides to pee in his seat?! AGH!!!
This morning, the boys DID NOT want to get out of bed, I think the weekend kicked their butts!
Aaron is starting to say new words and is really responding to me questioning him.
Ryan is asking when we are going back to the river... and Aaron just starts screaming when he sees the boat... did i mention that i'm tired?!

words of the day:
Aaron: car, boat, park, tree.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

just because I have nothing better to do...

Not much has been going on over here... just got home from Joe's house. My husband volunteered our services to paint a room in his house so that Joe would add to the roll cage on the rhino.. not fun. Not fun, because Joe lives on the side of town where it smells like rotting corpses. I can't believe that 2 blocks away from my house, it could smell sooo bad. What funny is that we almost bought a house in that exact neighborhood. Fate stepped in and sent us further down the road, thank god! So aaron was tired and acting up, ryan was passed out in Shawns room so I left him with Hans. I told Hans not to forget ryan tonight when he comes home.. we'll see if he remembers. hahhaa...
I haven't heard much about this river trip, maybe we aren't going???... i"d be okay with that. hahah..
well, not too much to say today, hopefully we'll have an eventful weekend. :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

hump day...

well here it is wednesday and the weather has turned crappy again... My husband has disapeared to his friends house to work on the Rhino... That is code for we are going to sit in Joe's garage, drink and gossip... how frustrating!
well, after bitching about Ryan's potty training relapse, it turns out that he had a perfect day today at grandmas house...yay Ryan!! I was so proud of him, I took him to the donut store. He LOVES donuts!
Aaron discovered who Diego was (Dora's cousin) and LOVES him... he now shouts "go diego go".
Not too much else going on...I think we're just getting ready to go to the river this weekend, that's about it... oh, i have to write chapter 5 of my thesis tonight..nothing new... procrastination. enough said.

words of the day:
ryan: cus, cus, cus, i didn't pee pee on grandmas new carpet today... (ryan studders from time to time)
Aaron: go diego go!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Yay for Sex in the City... My mom and I went to watch it Sunday night and it was soooo freaking good. I have to say that for not being a SATC show fanatic I still really enjoyed the movie. It was funny, sad and a OMG unbelieveable wedding dress! hahaha... I have to say, I'm so glad that my wedding has come and gone... it really was a bit, but stressful.
I spent alot of the weekend shopping for Aaron and I as we so desperately needed clothes. SO, I was sooo excited because my hubby gave me the green light to shop, well wouldn't you know it.. I couldn't find anything to buy. I had money to spend and nothing to spend it on. I actually ended up buying Aaron alot of summer clothes so at least that makes me feel better. Ryan was set, he received alot of summer clothes from his birthday.
My husband has decided that we are going to the river this weekend..I'm not in the mood as my bitch, aunt flo decided to pay me a visit this week... and you know how it goes... the repercussions of her being around, irritable and bloated!!! Yes, that is me at this moment. So, I'm trying my best to put on a brave face and say "okay, let's go to the river..." knowing that I am going to be irritated because of my "aunt" and because my husband will be having fun while I "babysit" our 2 babies out there on the water. I don't see how this weekend is going to be fun. I would rather "babysit" at home... oh well, I"ll make the best of it I"m sure.
Ryan advised me again today that the Plane sitting on Euclid Ave at the Chino Airport is "pissed off" again because he can't fly... He also is having a gnarly relapse on potty training... I'm ready to give him away...He refuses to pee in the toilet and some raunchy kid at daycare taught Ryan how to bite his nails! I'm mortified... I hate men who bite their finger nails.. I don't want Ryan doing that for the rest of his life..its soooo gross.
These days Aaron has enough freaking attitude to make me wish I was dead. I can't even believe it... I'm so irritated with my kids behavior these days, I think me staying at home for 5 months did them more harm than it did's insane! anyways, nothing too exciting going on over here... vocabulary hasn't increased much...but the attitude has.

Monday, June 2, 2008

nothing too exciting....

here's your words for today:

aaron: bye bye papa...
Ryan : dashwasher (dishwasher)