Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I went to the mall tonight to see if I could find the men in my life a gift for Fathers Day. First of all, the mall I randomly decided to go to... SUCKED. The Tyler Mall... why did I even waste my gas? anyways, now that Ryan is potty trained, I needed to buy him some more undies... so we went to the Childrens Place and I only found 1 package of chonies in his size... so, irritated that I could only spend $5.00, I bought them... So, When I went to the Pumpkin Patch store to see if they had anything I happened to notice that there were some items in the bottom of the stroller that I didn't recongnize. It seems that Ryan had picked up another package of underwear and a set of pj's. I immediately asked him where they came from and he just said, "but I needed them". UGH!! Mortified, I looked to see what he had lifted and wouldn't you know it... the underwear and pajamas were totally his size! OMG!! Is that ridiculous or what? Crazy!!! Too embarrassed to go back, I just brought them home... how awful is that? Anyways, just thought I'd share that all with you.. Aaron is talking up a storm like crazy!!!

Words of the day:

Aaron: Car, Paaaark, tree, Connor, yay, mom, and papa

1 comment:

Shaena said...

LOL! He is so crazy. At least he got the right size. It would have sucked if he got the wrong size and you couldn't use them. I'm sure at some point you have been over-charged or double charged for something. This will make up for it. Talk to you soon!