Monday, June 9, 2008

toasty warm...

this past weekend we did end up going to the river... we went to Parker and had a fun and semi-relaxing time. The boys did really well. Ryan was ecstatic to be at the river, he looooves it and Aaron, well, he LOVED it too. He had so much fun playing at the sandbar and jumping in the water... I didn't really get too relax too much as I was chasing the boys around and being a super duper overprotective mommy but i still managed to have a good time.
On saturday, there was a Fathers Day Float and there had to be at least 1000 floats out on the river just partying as they floated by.. it sucked because it kind of wasted our day with all those people in the water, we had to pretty much just drive like we were in a no wake zone up and down the whole river. by the end of the day, we went to Roadrunners for drinks and an early dinner... wouldn't you know that some white looking rick james looking guy didn't tie his boat up right and it got loose at the dock, guess who's boat it hit? of hit my boat. what an ass. We wouldn't have even known had the security not been hauling ass down to the dock to get the runaway boat off of ours. Punk Ass. well, hans was grateful that those guys took care of business so he bought them all Roadrunner Rapers. That crap will kill you... it's got Everclear in it... I took one drink of it and just about gagged... talk about drinking rubbing alcohol...gross.
Ryan's potty training continued as we were out there... he did really well and then Sunday came. He got up really early and like a good boy, went to the bathroom once he got out of bed, well, my in-laws trailer blows mad air into the bathroom and freezes the porcelin toilet... well Ryan couldn't handle it and peed EVERYWHERE in the bathroom.. when Jim (g-pa) was telling me about it, I thought I would die but then Ryan told me, "but mommy, it was sooo cold in there" Then Jim kinda laughed it off and forgave Ryan. I felt bad but I can understand what Ryan was talking about because the toilet does get really cold!!
Well on sunday, we didn't do too much, we just drove the boat and went to eat lunch at Fox's then went to the sandbar for the kids to play with their sandtoys. when it was time to go, Aaron threw a fit! He did NOT want to be in the boat... he wanted to play in the sand with his toys.
We packed up the boys and all the toys and headed back to the camp to start getting ready to go home. I finally got some color on my raw poultry looking skin and so did the boys... Aaron now looks like the sunlight touches him.. he's not so ghostly looking anymore.
On our way home from Parker, we stopped at In-N-Out in Indio... Ryan kept claiming that he had to poop...2 trips to the bathroom and nothing... as we are getting ready to leave the restaraunt, we pick ryan up from his seat and he has peed everywhere!! I was MORTIFIED. I could have died.. how freaking embarrasing.. he was in the bathroom twice while we were there and he decides to pee in his seat?! AGH!!!
This morning, the boys DID NOT want to get out of bed, I think the weekend kicked their butts!
Aaron is starting to say new words and is really responding to me questioning him.
Ryan is asking when we are going back to the river... and Aaron just starts screaming when he sees the boat... did i mention that i'm tired?!

words of the day:
Aaron: car, boat, park, tree.

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