Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Yay for Sex in the City... My mom and I went to watch it Sunday night and it was soooo freaking good. I have to say that for not being a SATC show fanatic I still really enjoyed the movie. It was funny, sad and a OMG unbelieveable wedding dress! hahaha... I have to say, I'm so glad that my wedding has come and gone... it really was a bit stressful...fun, but stressful.
I spent alot of the weekend shopping for Aaron and I as we so desperately needed clothes. SO, I was sooo excited because my hubby gave me the green light to shop, well wouldn't you know it.. I couldn't find anything to buy. I had money to spend and nothing to spend it on. I actually ended up buying Aaron alot of summer clothes so at least that makes me feel better. Ryan was set, he received alot of summer clothes from his birthday.
My husband has decided that we are going to the river this weekend..I'm not in the mood as my bitch, aunt flo decided to pay me a visit this week... and you know how it goes... the repercussions of her being around, irritable and bloated!!! Yes, that is me at this moment. So, I'm trying my best to put on a brave face and say "okay, let's go to the river..." knowing that I am going to be irritated because of my "aunt" and because my husband will be having fun while I "babysit" our 2 babies out there on the water. I don't see how this weekend is going to be fun. I would rather "babysit" at home... oh well, I"ll make the best of it I"m sure.
Ryan advised me again today that the Plane sitting on Euclid Ave at the Chino Airport is "pissed off" again because he can't fly... He also is having a gnarly relapse on potty training... I'm ready to give him away...He refuses to pee in the toilet and some raunchy kid at daycare taught Ryan how to bite his nails! I'm mortified... I hate men who bite their finger nails.. I don't want Ryan doing that for the rest of his life..its soooo gross.
These days Aaron has enough freaking attitude to make me wish I was dead. I can't even believe it... I'm so irritated with my kids behavior these days, I think me staying at home for 5 months did them more harm than it did good...it's insane! anyways, nothing too exciting going on over here... vocabulary hasn't increased much...but the attitude has.

1 comment:

Shaena said...

I saw Sex and the city on Friday night. I LOVED it! It was hilarious and sad but great at the end. Although, I had the most flamboyant gay guy sitting behind us and he was annoying. I can't believe your mom went with you...there were some raunchy sex scenes. Anyways, take care and talk to you soon!