Monday, March 31, 2008

aaahhhhh...what a weekend!

So, Saturday, Hans and I went and finished up some shopping for the Rhino and we then headed over to Victoria Gardens to waste some time and do a bit of shopping. It was pretty boring there. It was then that I decided that there is really nowhere to shop at that mall! I go there all the time and I never am satisfied with the stores of choice located there... I guess it's back to Newport for me! anyways, we had a great day with the boys then we had a wedding to go to... Hans' good friend and old classmate of mine was getting married. To describe Joe would take awhile.. He is the funniest guy ever, a little on the OMG side and definately crude. The wedding was like 2 minutes long, and the partying went on until the wee hours of the night. We had a great time. I was starving of course and could not drag my husband away from the keg that Jason had brewed up so I was getting a bit on the grumpy side. Then of course all the dumb, "I'm so f-ing drunk...." broads start coming out and acting like their dumb selves... I was not at all intrigued, but I guess, what do you expect for a backyard wedding? We still had a good time.
The next day, i had to head down to the desert to help grandma paint her kitchen. all the help that recruited to help me punked out on me, so what could have taken a few hours took longer. I got to grandma's around 10:30 and didn't get back home until 7:45 and I"m still not done! I have to go back this saturday to finish! ah!! this will teach me to not to open my big mouth and offer to do anything like that again... LOL!!!! oh well, it was nice to spend some time with grandma and get out of the house....
did I mention that my hubby, who was suffering from a hangover, watched both boys, cleaned the house (immaculate) and had dinner on the table when I got home? OMG!!! He is amazing! I owe you big time hunnny!! Thank you for making my long day a happy one at the end of the night, you are truly amazing!!

words of the day:

ryan: The low rider car from Disney's Cars (flo's hubby): chicka chicka bow wow
aaron: oooowww! ouch

ryan did potty in the toilet again today! we are on to day #2.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

disneyland charts...

okay~ so today, we are trying to find new ways to get Ryan to use the toilet and to work on his flash cards. I decided to make charts. We have charts showing all of his shapes and a chart for the toilet. The deal is.... if Ryan can poop or pee in the toilet 3x, we will take a trip to disneyland. If Ryan can get his flash cards down 7x, we go to disneyland. He has already completed phase 1 of the flash cards.... we'll see about the toilet chart, I'm thinking that one will be empty for awhile!

Yay Ryan, you are making mommy so proud!! You learned a new shape today (rectangle) and you are understanding color patterns! You are doing extremely well with the shape blocks too! I'm so very proud of you!!

Yay Aaron! You are growing up so quickly, where has the time gone? We have made the decision to throw all of your bottles out and you are learning so quickly how to go to sleep without drinking a bottle! You have made it so easy for mommy and daddy!! You are such a big boy now with your sippie cups, keep it up!!

words of the day:

aaron: jibber jabber
ryan: hehmet (helmet)

the 3 year old pimple....

okay~ so last night, my in-laws took us to the Yamaha dealer to buy Ryan a helmet for his 3rd birthday. That was not so fun, being as Ryan did not nap all day, he was starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. Anyways, after spending about an hour in the store, we made our purchases and decided to go to Islands for dinner. YUM!!
Well, as we were waiting for our food to arrive, Ryan, who is getting restless and is "hungwee" is having a real hard time sitting still. It is at this point that he fills his mouth with milk and slaps his cheeks for deflation.... SPLAT!! There went all of Ryans milk.... across the table, onto Papa, into Papa's drink and the rest dribbled down Ryan's face. Now mind you, I didn't see it happen, I just saw the milk fly across the table. I initially thought it was funny and giggled, then I realized, my son is a brat! OMG!! I was mortified and so damn embarrassed!!!! I pride myself on my childrens good behavior (which is most of the time) and when that happened, I thought the world would end. My husband was beyond pissed, I thought he was going to blow a gasket! I didn't think I would be able to calm Hans down, thankfully, the waitress showed up with the food and we had something else to move on to. UGH!!! I think we're going to have to make that one up to papa! Thanks alot Ryan!!

words to remember:

Aaron: traaator (tractor), No!, mamee

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


words of the day~

Aaron~ Tratahr (tractor), diaper

Ryan~ Ryan has learned all of his shapes today! yay!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, we survived Easter (barely). Parties back to back are not fun! They're alot of work. I am so freaking exhausted from hosting Easter here at the house. I was kinda wishing I was at the river with my in-laws, then I thought about it and thought it would have been alot more stressful at the river with them so I was happy to be home. :)
My family came over and we cooked a really nice prime rib lunch with lots of sides and munchies. I have probably gained all of my weight back that I was losing while going to the gym at the beginning of the month. Oh well, time to get back on schedule!
The Easter egg hunt went pretty well, my boys even got into it which was fun to watch. Aaron is getting braver every day.. He pretty much was breaking the confetti eggs on me and his brother, of course the battle between Karen and Hans was resurrected and they kicked each others asses with the eggs. But aside from that, it was pretty mellow.
Sooo, the theology class is over, next is the HR class and it looks really stressful!! not only that, I think I really want to take a bible class that is being tought by my theology teacher, so that means i would be going to school twice a week for the next 5 weeks... I don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to try. I want to get these electives out of the way so that I can graduate!
On to the next obstacle, getting a job! I have my 2nd interview today, and I'm praying that I get this job, I need it! so, until then, i'm just waiting until 11:30 for my phone call and pray that it goes well!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the big "FLEE"

okay, so today is the official birthday of Mr. Ryan. He officially turned "flee" today. It was also his auntie Mo's birthday. We made her "pupcakes" and took them to her house tonight. The family all ended up going to eat pizza and drink beer for the birthday occasion. It wasn't too bad, we all seemed to get along. I'm still a bit purturbed with a couple of our family members who borrowed some money from us.... it was brought up in conversation a couple of weeks ago how a new purse was bought from South Coast Plaza... and it was being returned (but it wasn't anything that "we" carry) well, nice try but not such a graceful save. I'm no dummy, I know that you don't go to South Coast to buy a Guess handbag. DUH!! Tell that story to some other idiot. Well, the truth came out tonight at dinner. The family members who owe me and my hubby $2000. recently just purchased a new Louie Vuitton handbag. They decided to return it, god knows why... supposedly because they needed to buuy formula and diapers... I'm thinking, if you had a minimum of $500. to buy a freaking handbag, you should have written the check to my husband. It's obvious that you aren't going to have $2000. at one particular time ever again (unless your vehicle gets repossesed again) so you just need to pay us every month until your debt is paid. I'm really disgusted at their way of logic and life. I'm so irritated that they can just act as though nothing is wrong. I hate people like that. This is a very sensitive subject with me and I should probably just stop talking about it since it's just really upsetting me. I hope that they know how much more unconfortable it is going to get for them by not paying us, I am not taking this lightly anymore, I AM PISSED!!!!

anyways, aside from my family's irresponsible actions, my son had a great birthday again, we spent a great day together and I felt really good hanging out with one of my sister in laws today. Over the past few years, we have had a really weird relationship for one reason or another and it's so weird because we were best friends for several years before that. I love her and miss her dearly. I cherish anytime that we spend together because we don't ever see each other anymore. Sometimes I feel as though she is using me and sometimes I feel that our friendship is genuine... I don't know, I love her dearly and I definately miss our times together. I understand that she is going thru some tough times right now and is looking for her happily ever after but I do miss her. Maybe once she finds what she is looking for, we can work on getting our friendship back to where it was. Only time will tell. :) anyways, just looking forward to my last theology class tomm night and easter this weekend!

words to remember:

ryan~ alegator (elevator), pupcake (cupcake), oplane (airplane), helihopter (helicoptor)
Aaron~ woooow (wow), ouch, heyeeee (haylie), hiyeeee (hi)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I'm back to needing to write another paper for class and I just cannot get thru it. I'm procrastinating like crazy!!! I don't even know what to do about this... my last class is Thursday, my hubby is on my ass to finish this paper and I just can't. I'm not motivated and what's worse, I have no clue what to freaking write about, I can't seem to find the motivation or strength to write it. I have no clue where to start either! UGH!!! I'm so ready to just be done with all the papers that need to be written!!!

words of the day:
Ryan~ I am not crazy! I'm Ryan!!
Aaron~ mamy(mommy), no!, day du (thank you)

Monday, March 17, 2008

alrighty then...

Well, the pirate birthday party is finally over with. We had a huge turnout and Ryan was absolutely thrilled that his "friends" came over to play with him on his birthday. He was so soon as everyone had left the house and we had cleaned up, we made our way upstairs and he says to me, "thank you for my friends coming to my birthday party".... (tear..) I was in complete disbelief! I was blown away by this little comment, this little Thank You from my son. It made me proud. It made me believe that some of the manners we try to teach our children are somewhat getting thru to them... I hope that it continues for the better...
Aaron did surprisingly well with all the people in the house, he didn't freak out and didn't cry. He played with the other kids, ate and had a great time! I was frustrated with all of our "helpers" who failed to show up and help, however, my hubby and I got thru it. I felt really bad that I had to leave the party for about 30 minutes to go and pick up the cake, but, I couldn't break away any earlier in the morning as my husband was still setting up tables and chairs.... I was irritated at what he feels is important when throwing a party and how he manages his time. He was so darn worried about what our freaking planters looked like, that I think we seriously spent about $700. to $800. in plants and flowers in the past 3 weeks. Now, did anyone even give a crap about what was planted or what was even planted? No. Nobody even went outside, they were so busy gawking at the size of the house and everything that we had done to it since we moved in. So, while mom and I were planting and Hans was putting together ceiling fans, he failed to notice that we didn't have any propane. AGH!!! So my hungry guests were just waiting and waiting to be fed while Hans ran out to get the propane tank filled. I was a bit irritated, but, what can I say? He's always been this way about how to manage time on what is important. I appreciate his efforts in trying to beautify the house and commend him for it, but this past weekend wasn't about the house, it was about Ryan and his party. Well, it turned out okay in the end. I felt bad that I didn't get to spend as much time with everyone as I had wanted... There were just too many people. But I did try to talk to everyone briefly. To all that felt I was rude, please accept my apology... I hope the next party will be better! We will definately try to manage our time better and not rely on our "helpers" for help next time. I love you all and Thank You for your generous gifts for Ryan. He loves them ALL!!! I think we took in a total of 5 dump trucks and 9 monster trucks. We are in truck hell right now, but, the boys are having a blast!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

where has the darn time gone?

Well, for starters, I can't get past the time change... my body is not happy or adjusting well to losing an hour of my life. Yesterday, mom and I took the boys to Victoria Gardens just to get out of the house and emjoy some of the beautiful weather, we happened to find a new baby for Ryan.. His original baby is a pig from a store in Newport Beach that Auntie Karen had bought for him the day after we all found out I was pregnant. She is so proud that he has made this little piggy his "baby". Well, this baby was so soft and beautiful and is now the furthest thing from it. It truly represents what a Pig is (now). His soft chenille fur is all scraggly and all moppy, my son had a fettish with sticking the piggies tail in his ears, up his nose, in between his toes... you name it, the pigs tail has seen it. It got so grotesque that the piggies tail finally just fell off... Ryan was devastated! He carried his baby around by that tail... the relationship wasn't the same, I'm starting to think the tail was his baby and the pig just came along for the ride! Well, believe it or not, we happened to find the same piggie at the Gap Kids yesterday, so of course, we had to buy it. Ryan was excited but confused at the same time...I finally just explained to him that his new piggie looked different because he went to the doctor, got his tail fixed and then took a bath. He finally lightened up and warmed up to the pig. I told him that the tail is not to be put into his ear anymore and immediately he came back at me with, "it can go in my nose?" UGH!!! Kids!!

I still haven't even cleaned my darn house for this pirate party we are having for Ryan on Saturday, and to top it off, it's supposed to freaking rain now!! I'm pretty purturbed by that. My poor little guy, the day he was born, it rained, 1st birthday....rain, 2nd birthday (beautiful day) and now 3rd,....rain and wind! He just can't catch a break! I told my husband that we really needed to start planning Ryan's birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese or something... somewhere indoors since the weather is always crappy in March! I would to have liked to have scheduled his party for next weekend, but for some crazy reason, Easter is in March this year... I don't think everyone would have appreciated me scheduling a party the day before Easter. Oh well, I guess, I really have to start cleaning, I can't just give the house a facelift.... My hubby will be staying home with me tomm so that we can finish everything up, thank goodness!! I was really going to need his help tommorow, so anyways... I hope we can finish everything on time and have this house in tip top shape for the party!!

Words to remember: Ryan ~ flee (3) and Aaron ~ sop ih (stop it) and go go!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


okay, so, finally got that darn paper done for class and it has been sent to the professor, now I can sleep peacefully tonight! I hope I get a decent grade on it!! :)
So, now back to house chores, we're still in the process of getting the house beautified for this pirate party that we are having this weekend. My mom came over today and we went to buy another $170.00 in flowers for the backyard. Did I mention how freaking hot it was today? Good Lord!! while mom and I were gardening in the africa hot heat, my children were in the house with my dad. which is fine up until they start moving and making noise. My dad is a man with very little patience. To this day, he can still get me freaked out about things that I shouldn't have to worry about anymore...but whatever. So, I'm gardening as freaking quick as I can so that I can rescue my dad from my kids and vice versa... but when I finally got into the house, my dad was just relaxing on the couch watching the news and my kids were just sitting there crying. Enough heard! I just went and stuck them in bed for a late nap (daylight savings... we're off schedule again!) and then proceeded to clean my mess. So, I'm tip toeing around my house trying not to make any noise for dad, then I started to realize, what the hell am I doing? I am 31 years old and I'm somewhat still afraid of upsetting dad. Oh well, he is my is what it is.
My hubby just informed me before he tucked himself into bed that he wants me to do the other planter in the backyard. Ay dios mios!!! I think I just may have a new career as a gardner! I'll need to lather up tommorow with the sunscreen though, I got the ugly burn today... I'll need to visit the tanning booth real soon, hmmmm. wonder how I can convince my hubby to send me there? :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

muddy smiles for everyone!!

So, today will mark the first day that my hubby and I took the Rhino out in the dirt. We had a blast! Unfortunately, we weren't able to take Ary with us since the backseats weren't in it but we ended up taking Ryan. We decided that we could take turns with Ryan if needed but it turned out that Hans' mom bought a 4 seater Rhino last night! So, we were all able to ride together. Anyways, we had a blast out there! There was dirt everywhere, dirtbikes, Rhino's, quads, you name it, it was there! We actually kind of "intruded" on my stepsons weekend. He happened to be up there with his mom and stepdad and then we all showed up. I didn't feel weird about it but my mother in law seemed to think it was weird. oh well.... so, we had a blast, we are FILTHY like no other and again, I still have my paper to write. I'm too tired and exhausted to deal with it right now... Looks like it's going to be put off another day... Motivation, I'm still looking for you!

Friday, March 7, 2008

another friday

okay, so needless to say, I made it through class last night. It was getting a little slow when someone brought up politics and religion.. Now we're talking! Of course, I had nothing to say because I don't want Hilary or Obama to win. I think all the candidates are weak this year. They have nothing important to say than to bash Bush and his administration.... blah, blah, blah... anyways, so class was getting really interesting and then the instructor called class short because he had to pick up a friend from the airport. oh well! I really didn't mind, I was tired and like I mentioned before, I was so not motivated! So, I'm on the hook to provide dinner next week, I have no clue what my new classmates like to eat, so that should be fun.
This morning, I gave my little Ary a haircut. His hair was in his eyes and the poor thing couldn't see. So, this little kid is a freak! anytime any of his hair would fall and touch him, he would start shaking, screaming and freaking out! I mean, for the love of God child! calm down!!! It was sad, but at the same time, it was kind of funny. Funny, only because, he was getting so darn hysterical... he was crying and with crying comes the boogers so as he's rubbing his face his hair is becoming "glued" to his face with his snail trail streaks. Then it was stuck to his mouth and his hands... drama!!
My boys as my in-laws put it are freaks like their dad. They are "pretty boys". Good Lord! I thought my Ary was going to be a boys boy, but, after today, that is sooo not going to be the case. Oh, my..... what am I to do with all of these boys?! Thank goodness my dog is back home, she's the only other female in this house and she's the only one showing me unconditional love. :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Motivation, or lack thereof....

I have to go to school this evening and I am just not motivated to go. I wasn't motivated to write the 5 page paper that is due tonight and I'm not motivated to read the syllabus and look up all of the bible verses. How awful is that?! I've been reading the assigned textbook for the past 4 days, but, that's it. I'm just reading it. I'm not learning it, I'm not understanding it nor am I comprehending it. I SUCK! I really need to get motivated... I have 7 more months of class left. That is exaclty 28 days of school, I NEED TO FINISH! and not to get the Rolex from dad but to get that darn piece of paper for my wall. I need to finish something that i start!!! UGH!! Motivation, where are you?!?!!! AGH!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So, finally, this evening, we had a momentous occasion in the household. Ryan finally decided to poop in the toilet! Now mind you, as mentioned before, my son can clog a toilet with what is deposited into his diaper so it was quite funny to see his poop in the toilet looking more like a bird left droppings while in flight. He was so damn proud because he finally was able to do it and I think I was actually the happiest. I looked like a fool, I'm sure, jumping up and down, prancing around the bathroom showing Ryan how happy and proud I was of him. Let's just hope that this keeps up. If its anything like the pee pee incident, he will tell me for the next year that he pooped in the toilet already, he doesn't need to do it again. God, I hope that isn't the case.
As for Ary, today was nothing out of the norm... he woke up, said, "hi", called for mommy a couple of times and just played. He still continues to take Ryan's toys from him and run like hell, which, of course, freaking cracks me up while Ryan is crying but I can't help it. He looks like a little twirp, what am I to do? Just looking forward to the weekend for some fun in the Rhino and then its on to planning last minute stuff for Ryan's Birthday party next Saturday... We're going to be in Pirate Hell! Can't wait, it should be good times!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Well, being as today was sooo beautiful, my mom, sister and I took the kids to Disneyland and we had a great time! It was the first time for her two little ones and of course, my kids couldn't wait to get there! We were up bright and early and on the road at 7 to be at the gates when they opened at 8. The weather couldn't have been any better! There seemed to be a cheer competition today so there was a plethera of little cheerleaders running all over the place which of course, my 11 year nephew looooved. Anyways, in my 5 hours away from home my hubby and my stepson ventured from the homestead and found themselves at the Yamaha dealership in Montclair. Needless to say, (think back to my previous post) my hubby "bought me" a Rhino!!! YAY!!! I am sooo excited! I have wanted one of these little things for quite some time now and I have to say, I didn't think I would ever get one. Of course, I don't know anything about them, I just knew that I wanted one. If your not a sand player a Rhino is a type of golf cart on steroids. It is used to mess around in the dirt and just have fun. I wanted one because when my husband was looking at possibly buying a sandrail I was like, "what about me?".... our boat is "yours" and this sandrail will essentially be yours too... so this was my little toy for me to play with and take my babies with me too. So, two thumbs up for my hubby for being spontaneous and buying "me" a Rhino today... I love it and can't wait to go out and play!! I love you lovee. Don't be jealous ladies!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Subliminal Messages to the Hubby

Have I mentioned how I love to have parties at my house? and I'm not being sarcastic! I love to have parties at my house because I love to host and have people in my beautiful home and I just love to entertain. But, my number 1 reason for having parties at my house is...... to get my hubby to finish projects around the house! My husbands toys, cars, and possesions seem to have always been the envy of others. He is very paticular about what furniture we buy, what color the walls are painted, pictures, everything! This is not a man who allows his wife to take over and decorate the house :( . I love his input and that he cares enough to want to help but sometimes I think it would be easier if he just left it up to me and mom. :)
Anyways, getting back to projects.... When my husband knows we are planning on hosting a party he is so quick and "motivated" to finish his projects. For example, when moving into this house, we had a desert for a back yard for 5 months. Dirt, Dirt and more Dirt! When it came time to host the annual family Christmas party, he then realized, SHIT! I need to put grass in the backyard! Well, the crazy husband that I have wrangled up one of his workers from work and brought him to the house and they laid 4 pallets of sod in our backyard in less than 2 days. Of course, he waited until the last minute, but, it got done... It wasn't until that moment that I realized how much pride he has for himself and his image. So, when Ryan's birthday was being planned, I thought, "what better place to have the party than at home?" So, there it is, we're having a party here at the house in 2 weeks and he has been hustling to get some more stuff done around here! Jeez! I can't believe that planning parties has become my subliminal way of asking Hans to do things around the house... but hey, whatever works!