Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the big "FLEE"

okay, so today is the official birthday of Mr. Ryan. He officially turned "flee" today. It was also his auntie Mo's birthday. We made her "pupcakes" and took them to her house tonight. The family all ended up going to eat pizza and drink beer for the birthday occasion. It wasn't too bad, we all seemed to get along. I'm still a bit purturbed with a couple of our family members who borrowed some money from us.... it was brought up in conversation a couple of weeks ago how a new purse was bought from South Coast Plaza... and it was being returned (but it wasn't anything that "we" carry) well, nice try but not such a graceful save. I'm no dummy, I know that you don't go to South Coast to buy a Guess handbag. DUH!! Tell that story to some other idiot. Well, the truth came out tonight at dinner. The family members who owe me and my hubby $2000. recently just purchased a new Louie Vuitton handbag. They decided to return it, god knows why... supposedly because they needed to buuy formula and diapers... I'm thinking, if you had a minimum of $500. to buy a freaking handbag, you should have written the check to my husband. It's obvious that you aren't going to have $2000. at one particular time ever again (unless your vehicle gets repossesed again) so you just need to pay us every month until your debt is paid. I'm really disgusted at their way of logic and life. I'm so irritated that they can just act as though nothing is wrong. I hate people like that. This is a very sensitive subject with me and I should probably just stop talking about it since it's just really upsetting me. I hope that they know how much more unconfortable it is going to get for them by not paying us, I am not taking this lightly anymore, I AM PISSED!!!!

anyways, aside from my family's irresponsible actions, my son had a great birthday again, we spent a great day together and I felt really good hanging out with one of my sister in laws today. Over the past few years, we have had a really weird relationship for one reason or another and it's so weird because we were best friends for several years before that. I love her and miss her dearly. I cherish anytime that we spend together because we don't ever see each other anymore. Sometimes I feel as though she is using me and sometimes I feel that our friendship is genuine... I don't know, I love her dearly and I definately miss our times together. I understand that she is going thru some tough times right now and is looking for her happily ever after but I do miss her. Maybe once she finds what she is looking for, we can work on getting our friendship back to where it was. Only time will tell. :) anyways, just looking forward to my last theology class tomm night and easter this weekend!

words to remember:

ryan~ alegator (elevator), pupcake (cupcake), oplane (airplane), helihopter (helicoptor)
Aaron~ woooow (wow), ouch, heyeeee (haylie), hiyeeee (hi)

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