Monday, March 10, 2008


okay, so, finally got that darn paper done for class and it has been sent to the professor, now I can sleep peacefully tonight! I hope I get a decent grade on it!! :)
So, now back to house chores, we're still in the process of getting the house beautified for this pirate party that we are having this weekend. My mom came over today and we went to buy another $170.00 in flowers for the backyard. Did I mention how freaking hot it was today? Good Lord!! while mom and I were gardening in the africa hot heat, my children were in the house with my dad. which is fine up until they start moving and making noise. My dad is a man with very little patience. To this day, he can still get me freaked out about things that I shouldn't have to worry about anymore...but whatever. So, I'm gardening as freaking quick as I can so that I can rescue my dad from my kids and vice versa... but when I finally got into the house, my dad was just relaxing on the couch watching the news and my kids were just sitting there crying. Enough heard! I just went and stuck them in bed for a late nap (daylight savings... we're off schedule again!) and then proceeded to clean my mess. So, I'm tip toeing around my house trying not to make any noise for dad, then I started to realize, what the hell am I doing? I am 31 years old and I'm somewhat still afraid of upsetting dad. Oh well, he is my is what it is.
My hubby just informed me before he tucked himself into bed that he wants me to do the other planter in the backyard. Ay dios mios!!! I think I just may have a new career as a gardner! I'll need to lather up tommorow with the sunscreen though, I got the ugly burn today... I'll need to visit the tanning booth real soon, hmmmm. wonder how I can convince my hubby to send me there? :)

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