Monday, March 31, 2008

aaahhhhh...what a weekend!

So, Saturday, Hans and I went and finished up some shopping for the Rhino and we then headed over to Victoria Gardens to waste some time and do a bit of shopping. It was pretty boring there. It was then that I decided that there is really nowhere to shop at that mall! I go there all the time and I never am satisfied with the stores of choice located there... I guess it's back to Newport for me! anyways, we had a great day with the boys then we had a wedding to go to... Hans' good friend and old classmate of mine was getting married. To describe Joe would take awhile.. He is the funniest guy ever, a little on the OMG side and definately crude. The wedding was like 2 minutes long, and the partying went on until the wee hours of the night. We had a great time. I was starving of course and could not drag my husband away from the keg that Jason had brewed up so I was getting a bit on the grumpy side. Then of course all the dumb, "I'm so f-ing drunk...." broads start coming out and acting like their dumb selves... I was not at all intrigued, but I guess, what do you expect for a backyard wedding? We still had a good time.
The next day, i had to head down to the desert to help grandma paint her kitchen. all the help that recruited to help me punked out on me, so what could have taken a few hours took longer. I got to grandma's around 10:30 and didn't get back home until 7:45 and I"m still not done! I have to go back this saturday to finish! ah!! this will teach me to not to open my big mouth and offer to do anything like that again... LOL!!!! oh well, it was nice to spend some time with grandma and get out of the house....
did I mention that my hubby, who was suffering from a hangover, watched both boys, cleaned the house (immaculate) and had dinner on the table when I got home? OMG!!! He is amazing! I owe you big time hunnny!! Thank you for making my long day a happy one at the end of the night, you are truly amazing!!

words of the day:

ryan: The low rider car from Disney's Cars (flo's hubby): chicka chicka bow wow
aaron: oooowww! ouch

ryan did potty in the toilet again today! we are on to day #2.

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