Monday, March 17, 2008

alrighty then...

Well, the pirate birthday party is finally over with. We had a huge turnout and Ryan was absolutely thrilled that his "friends" came over to play with him on his birthday. He was so soon as everyone had left the house and we had cleaned up, we made our way upstairs and he says to me, "thank you for my friends coming to my birthday party".... (tear..) I was in complete disbelief! I was blown away by this little comment, this little Thank You from my son. It made me proud. It made me believe that some of the manners we try to teach our children are somewhat getting thru to them... I hope that it continues for the better...
Aaron did surprisingly well with all the people in the house, he didn't freak out and didn't cry. He played with the other kids, ate and had a great time! I was frustrated with all of our "helpers" who failed to show up and help, however, my hubby and I got thru it. I felt really bad that I had to leave the party for about 30 minutes to go and pick up the cake, but, I couldn't break away any earlier in the morning as my husband was still setting up tables and chairs.... I was irritated at what he feels is important when throwing a party and how he manages his time. He was so darn worried about what our freaking planters looked like, that I think we seriously spent about $700. to $800. in plants and flowers in the past 3 weeks. Now, did anyone even give a crap about what was planted or what was even planted? No. Nobody even went outside, they were so busy gawking at the size of the house and everything that we had done to it since we moved in. So, while mom and I were planting and Hans was putting together ceiling fans, he failed to notice that we didn't have any propane. AGH!!! So my hungry guests were just waiting and waiting to be fed while Hans ran out to get the propane tank filled. I was a bit irritated, but, what can I say? He's always been this way about how to manage time on what is important. I appreciate his efforts in trying to beautify the house and commend him for it, but this past weekend wasn't about the house, it was about Ryan and his party. Well, it turned out okay in the end. I felt bad that I didn't get to spend as much time with everyone as I had wanted... There were just too many people. But I did try to talk to everyone briefly. To all that felt I was rude, please accept my apology... I hope the next party will be better! We will definately try to manage our time better and not rely on our "helpers" for help next time. I love you all and Thank You for your generous gifts for Ryan. He loves them ALL!!! I think we took in a total of 5 dump trucks and 9 monster trucks. We are in truck hell right now, but, the boys are having a blast!

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