Wednesday, April 30, 2008

here we go again...

so, instead of writing my (not to exceed) 8 page paper for class tommorow, I'd rather blog and complain about it. It's going on 9 and I haven't even begun to think about how I am going to structure this paper. Thank Goodness that the boys are in bed. I can hear Aaron singing to himself, I believe Ryan is passed out. I haven't heard his door open and close checking on me to see if I'm around... OMG! Strike that last sentance... Aaron isn't singing to himself, he's laughing hysterically... so is RYAN!! I just checked on them and wouldn't you know....Ryan has jumped into Aarons crib with him and they are playing together. Ryan freaked out because he knows daddy is going to spank him and Aaron nonchalontly says, "blah blah blah tractor".. Aaron tried to play and plead his innocence by asking for a tractor. Dear god, what am I to do? Well, the boys are back in their own beds, hopefully they will stay there for the remainder of the evening.

Tonight Ryan decided that he wanted McDonalds for dinner. As I'm ordering at the drive thru Ryan shouts out from the backseat to the drive thru speaker, "And I NEED a soda!!!" Aye dios mios!!! that kid is going to be the death of me. So, needless to say, I got the night off from cooking, we ate unhealthy tonight and I'm okay with it.... :)

new attitudes...not so much for the better

As I really start to take the time to watch and listen to the boys and monitor their interactions with each other, the dog and toys, it has dawned on me that they are hilarious! Aaron is 20 mos. now. He doesn't say a whole lot but he throws a MEAN attitude. When he's hungry, he will go to the kitchen and grab his highchair and try to scoot it to the kitchen island. When he's thirsty, he will go to the refrigerator door and scream at the ice maker. When he goes to bed he has warmed up to this blanket that my mom bought for Ryan (for his 1st Christmas). It's really pretty, it's a Ralph Lauren baby blanket with a teddy bear on a rocking horse. The blanket is knitted on the front side and is like t-shirt cotton on the back side. I didn't like to use the blanket too much as I was always "saving" it since I know it cost her a pretty penny. But, Aaron will not sleep with anything but that blanket. He has now named the blanket his "baby". When he's crying about a baby, he wants his blanket. I was trying to get him to warm up to another of the 1000 blankets that we have but he only wants that one. I had to convince myself that it was purchased to be used... you can't save it forever, and what am I actually "saving" it for? Well, now Aaron will have something to put in the memory box. Ryan still has his digusting piggy that Auntie Karen bought him but he's really not that attached to it since the piggie lost his tail. But we still have him, disgusting and all! Speaking of Ryan, his attitude lately is about ready to have myself commited! That child of mine is too smart for his own good and knows how and when and how far to push my buttons!! He knows mommy is all talk and he works it! Well lately I just try my best to compose my anger to keep from beating his butt! Yesterday, I was so upset at him for deliberately hitting Aaron on the head with a monster truck! Ryan knew that I was upset and ran to the stairs when I told him to go to his room he threw himself down (onto the stairs) face first! He ate Sh!t!!! His face hit the edge of the stair, I was thinking GREAT!! That's all that I need, a kid with a broken nose! Well, I got him into his room and into bed for a nap since he so desperately needed it. When he woke up, of course his nose was 2x bigger and swollen so i just monitored it and thank goodness, the swelling went down! I guess I should just prepare myself for these kinds of accidents, I have boys for Pete's Sake... and not girly boys, I have boys boys!!! They have no fear (except for big dogs)! My health insurance will probably be cancelled for all the claims that I will have to make for these 2 houligans. Oh well, gotta love the chaos...

Your words of the day are:

Aaron: snack
Ryan: My daddy had to go to work so that we can go to the river.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Could it get any hotter?!

The California heat has arrived! It is too hot for me!! I'm such a brat and a huge complainer... when it's freezing cold, I'm always wishing it was warm so that we can go boating and be outdoors and now that the heat is here, I can't wait to get some cooler weather! It is ridiculous hot!! I'm thinking my parents have the right idea... Have a house in Del Mar and Washington DC. That way then can be wherever the weather is nice! So, we didn't do much of anything today, we just got back from grocery shopping and now the boys are down for their naps (or at least aaron is).. I can hear Ryan playing in his room. Aaron spotted his favorite fruit at the store and shouted out baaaana. Yay! Ryan is being his usual crazy self today.... He tried to eat an apple thru the bag that they come in at the store... I thought I would die. I had to try to be incognito and put the bag back with Ryans teeth marks in it and get a new one. UGH!!!
I think Hans and I will take them out back when he gets home from work and hose them down! Until then....

Words of the Day:

Aaron: baaaana (banana)
Ryan: "Mommy, tell those other cars to get off the road so you can drive fast"! (as we're driving to the store)

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, we are back from Carlsbad and San Diego and I must say, It was wonderful! We had a great time... the weather was awesome and it was just what we needed. Sea World is definately different when not pushing a duo glider stroller and 60 lbs. worth of kids, snacks and toys. I have to say Hans and I were able to get to the shows and exhibits and see them without any headaches of dealing with the limo stroller and loading and unloading the kids. It was almost like I didn't know what to do with myself... but all in all, it was lots of fun! I can't wait until we can go back to San Diego and go to the zoo! I'm afraid to go this summer so we'll probably wait until the schools are back in session and take the boys down there for the day. Aside from that, mom says the boys were good and when I went to pick them up today my dad had them in the backyard and he was hosing them down with the water while watering the grass. The boys (as far as I could see) were having a blast as it was so freaking hot down here so we hung out for awhile before leaving so that mom could get some of her homework done. Anyways, it seems not much happened while we were out of, it looks like we're back to our everyday routine starting tomm! yay.

Friday, April 25, 2008

anniversary weekend...

well, yesterday, hans and I celebrated our marriage anniversary. It has been 4 years however, we have been together for 12 years this year. wow... It doesn't even seem like it has been that long. Anyhow, we didn't get to do much of anything as I had school last night. So we are going to celebrate our anniversary this weekend in San Diego. We will be leaving and spending the evening in Carlsbad and drive into San Diego to go to Sea World. I'm excited... I love San Diego and I like Sea World... something about the slow pace of exhibits and shows. Its not chaotic like Disneyland and your so close to the water, the weather is always so nice. I hope that we will have a good time, I'm sure that we will. I dropped the babies off with my mom and dad... Ryan played the part of the momma's boy but I'm sure that once I closed the door to leave, he was fine.
Speaking of Ryan, can I just say how funny he is. Today I caught him picking his nose! pretty gross, right? Well, I reprimanded him and told him if he had boogies that he needed to blow his nose... well, the next thing I know, he's picking his nose again, and putting his boogers on the dog (as she is sleeping peacefully next to him on the couch). I thought I would die. So, I yelled at him again and told him to put his boogies in the tissue. Well, he disapeared for awhile but came back when I called him so didn't think anything of it. Well, I found where he was for that short time...I was going to the bathroom in the downstairs guest bathroom and when I went to grab my toilet paper there was a collection of boogers all over the roll of toilet paper! So, technically Ryan took my advice and put his boogers on the "tissue". What will kids think of next?! I swear that kid is so freaking funny!!
Anyways, I'm gonna be missing times like these when I go back to work.

Words of the day:

Aaron: bye
Ryan: school bus

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

todays words are...

Ryan: o-pod (ipod), fat tire (flat), suicidal (thanks, sean kingston!) camra (Cameron), pada (pinata)

Aaron: bongebob quarpans (spongebob squarepants), NO and smart ass baby jibber jabber!!! this kid can throw a mean attitude!!

I think God hates me...Well, EDD does anyways.

So, I swear God or someone out there hates me. I have had the worst string of luck since being laid off from my job back in December. Is it really possible for something like that to happen? I mean, my God!! Could it get any worse? I swear, I think God just wants me to lose EVERYTHING before I will see any good in my life again. I'm not sure why...I never cheated, lied or stole to get anything that I have. I earned it or paid for it with my own money. I'm so miserable right now, I don't know if it could possibly get any worse.

I just rec'd an emergency phone call from mom, so I'll be back later!

okay, okay, so we are back at home, everything with mom is situated and the boys are sleeping for hopefully at least 2 hours!

Well, getting back to my pity party... I didn't rec'v my unemployment check yesterday and I was really ticked off as I sent my flipping form back early and triple checked it to make sure that everything was filled out correctly...well, I finally got someone on the phone at EDD around 3:00 (I've been calling since 8 am this morning) well, I asked a question about why I hadn't rec'd a check, the bitch said, "it takes 10 days to process a check, you don't always recieve it on the same day" when I started to ask her if I was going to get a check like this week or have to wait another 2 weeks (because I've had to do so in the past..) the whore hung up on me. This isn't the first time that this has happened... EDD has the worst customer service!!! They are probably all fat, ugly, grotesque single lesbians who can't find love so they take it out on the unemployed people. I swear, if I could go down to that office and raise hell, I would. I'm sure that if I spoke spanish and chose the spanish option, the spanish speaking representative would have stayed on the phone with me and explained the process until I understood it. I so hate being on unemployment right now. It's the worst... I think it's part of God's plan to hate me. I swear, I don't know what I did wrong or who I've upset, but this has to end... SOON! I'm about ready to leave town..I can't handle this anymore! So to all you a-holes who work at EDD, you can all kiss my ass!!! I hope that when you are on unemployment one day, you will be treated with the same "respect" that you treat others!! Karma's a bitch and so are all of you!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

todays words...

words of the day:

Aaron: bess you (bless you), daddy
Ryan: Lauren, I said goodbye to you, aren't you going to say bye? (as he's holding up his hands)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

we had visitors today...

today, one of my besties came over with her two fur babies. Nori came over with Harley and Seidy. It was a reunion for everyone including the dogs. Haylie and Harley did fine together, but Haylie and Seidy didn't like each other so must be a mother/daughter thing... Nori took some really cute pics of the boys and played outside with Ryan. We watched a movie together while she updated my computer and then all of a sudden, I got really sleepy... I could not get out of my slump. I'm still kinda feeling stomach is in knots right now.... its very unsettling and its bothering me like mad! I found enough strength to feed the boys and get them into bed by 7:30...and it figures, Hans called to say he had to stay in Carlsbad 1 more night.... I could have totally used his help tonight. oh well.... we had a comment to celebrate I was resting on the couch, I peeked to see what the boys were doing and heard Aaron tell Ryan "mama nigh nigh".. OMG!! I jumped up and hugged and kissed him... the freaking cutest thing I've heard come out of his mouth... YAY!! he's beginning to understand and talk!! Way to go Aaron!!

words of the day:

Ryan: Charlie (Harley)
Aaron: go way (go away) and mama nigh nigh

i guess NOT

well, I'm assuming that I didn't get a job with Wells Fargo as I have not heard anything from them. I didn't get the "we're sorry" email but I didn't get a call with the good news either, so, of course, I'm going to assume the worst.... oh well, things happen for a reason.

the boys are getting funnier everyday... Aaron yells back "what"? whenever I call out his name. Ryan always has a comeback when asked to do anything and they just seem to amaze me more and more everyday. I think back to when I brought Aaron home from the hospital, Ryan was 1 1/2 (same age as aaron right now) and he spoke a few more words and he seemed more "grown up" than Aaron does right now. Is that because I keep seeing Aaron as my baby? I refuse to let him grow up in my eyes? It seemed that Ryan was talking, understanding, listening....and Aaron, not so much.. I could just be delusional. I probably should have recorded my kids the past 3 years so that I have something to look back on. I really need to start doing things like that. Maybe, I can ask hubby for a camera, or maybe, I should just start hiring Hans' stepbrother to come over and record our parties and stuff.... For Ryans 3rd birthday, I didn't get 1 single photo of him. I was in the kitchen and hosting the entire time and my husband was cooking and drinking with the guys. My sister who normally is the picture taker has been consumed with her new boyfriend and so it was like she wasn't even here....she sucks lately.

anyways...the chores around the house got done, Hans came home last night and things seem to be better around here with us. We got along, and without saying it, we "apologized" to each other and the attitude in the house has gotten better.

words of the day:

Ryan: Moose, Nayla (layla) these are B's dogs
Aaron: what?

Monday, April 14, 2008

today ended up getting better...

so, as the day progressed, things began to get better. I did some gardening in the backyard, the boys played in their oversized frisbee of a pool and then we ate lunch together....the boys then took a pretty good nap and then mom came over for some mom and daughter time. :)
I was fortunate to have my stepson and his mom watch the boys so that I could be kid free for a few hours today. It was so nice to get out and not have to worry about setting up the cadillac stroller and putting the kids in their seats, yada, yada, yada.... The 3 hours went by so quick, I was almost certain that I was reading the clock wrong! anyways, ryan had a blast with brandon and his little sister, Alyssa. Ryan loves to play with her...Ryan freaked out again when he saw Brandon's dog, Moose. Moose is a huge lab who is sooooo friendly... but ryan won't ever give the dog a chance... he sees a dog bigger then Haylie and he's screaming like a biatch!!
I really haven't talked to Hans today except for to ask him where the boys blow up pool was... I think we need to not talk or I'll just get upset. Anyways, Ryan informed me that since he did pee pee in the toilet today, that i needed to take him to the Disneyland Store. I think Disneyland is making quite an impression on him. Well, I'm outta here...

words of the day:

Aaron: what??
Ryan: "I know! I have an idea! Let's go to the store"
me: store? what store?
Ryan: the DISNEYLAND store!!!

Me: Ryan, what do you want for dinner tonight?
Ryan: mmmmm, vegetables
Me:???? WTF????

it was supposed to be a nice weekend

so, here we are, Monday morning and I'm still irritated with Hans. We kinda have been at each others throats lately and yesterday was the icing on the cake.... I had a pedicure date with mom and after that she and dad had invited us to go to lunch with the kids... So, as I'm hanging up the phone with mom, I'm letting him know, it's now 945 and we are having lunch with mom and dad at noon. So, that means, time to get out of bed!!! Well, immediately, Hans starts grumbling, "i have to mow the lawn...blah, blah, blah...." I tell him to wait until after we eat, we'll put the boys down for a nap and then WE can do the yard work together. Well, I guess he didn't like that idea because the next thing I know, he's out doing the yard and he's grumpy about it. wah wah.... so i give him a kiss goodbye and tell him i'll see him and the boys in a few hours. Clearly that didn't happen.
I called him around 1145 and he didn't answer the phone... I then called him again around noon or a bit after and surprisingly he answered. when I told him not to worry about being late because my sister was running behind anyways, he immediately started to fly off the handle... "It's just not going to happen....I'm still not done with the yard work, the boys are acting crazy, ryan keeps getting a bloody nose and since I'm the only one who does anything around here, I can't make it". click. Okay, what the hell just happened? excuse me, if the boys got the best of you... I have them ALL day long, everyday...even when you come home just to eat and then spend the rest of the evening at your friends house pretending to work on our rhino or your truck. And to imply that I don't do anything around this monstrous house is ludicrous. You can kiss my ass to that suggestion. I was soo pissed and embarrassed at what had just happened. I had to tell mom and dad that Hans and the boys weren't coming because he was suffering from a case of the "POOR ME's". WHATEVER!!! My husband has the worst timing for anything and everything. Why would he even attempt to mow the lawn on this 10,000+ sq. ft. lot when he knows we are meeting mom and dad in Chino for lunch in 2 hours? HELLO???!!!! I don't know why the yard work became so damn important all of a sudden when the grass is dead every other day because my husband doesn't want to set the freaking timer on our sprinklers... ugh... i'm just really frustrated. Not only that, once I got drunk with dad at lunch and came home, we didn't say one word to each other... then to top it off, we had to go to his sisters house for a bbq. that was fun..... :( it sucked because I was not in the mood to be there since Hans and I were not speaking. So needless to say, I just hung out with the kids. Hans ignored me and our kids, acted like he wasn't married so i let him... f-it. So we drove home in silence and he went to bed by himself...I refused to sleep in the same bed with him last night for I probably would have killed him due to my rising aggravation. I stayed out in the bonus room on the couch...couldn't sleep too well, but whatever. Well, hans left for Carlsbad today and will be there for the next few days..surprisingly he actually said goodbye to me this morning... he normally walks out of the house without saying a word if we're fighting... so I don't know how to take this whole thing now. I'm really pissed off at the accusation of not doing anything around my house. And to top it off, Ryan tells me that Joe was over here yesterday. So, basically the truth comes out, Hans picked a fight with me because he didn't want to leave Joe to hang out with the parentals.... eh, whatever... paybacks are a bitch and so is your wife, honey!!!! sucks to be you right now. It's probably a good thing that you won't be home until wednesday...I need the time to cool off from you and your childish behavior. Anyways, here are your words for the day...

Ryan: Nirsty (thirsty)
Aaron: severe jibber jabber with ATTITUDE!

Friday, April 11, 2008

just because....

well, I made it home from Disneyland Wednesday night and I had a great time at school again last night. I'm really enjoying this class and the instructor! He keeps my attention all night long. Anyways, my hubby and i decided not to go to Glamis this weekend for the roll cage has not been completed (which I knew it wouldn't be...) so, It's just going to be a nice weekend at home for us. It's supposed to get really hot, so I'll probably end up setting up the boys $5 inflatable pool from Toys R Us this weekend to keep them cool. I think I might start tackling one of the bedrooms in the house that was neglected when we first moved in... I think I'm going to start painting it and then the only room that will need to be done is my bedroom. My bedroom is going to be one hell of a task!! it takes of the entire back side of the house, it's quite large... I was excited to have a bedroom that size but now I'm letting the size of it intimidate me!!

Well, as for Disneyland, it was kind of crowded as it was still Spring Break. The kids had a blast though.. well, mine did for that matter. Ryan is really starting to fall in love with disneyland. Aaron is getting better, he's still rather be at home eating, but they sat thru their first parade, finally got to ride the carousel again and took a nice ride around the park in the train. Ryan caught on real quick to the conductors "ALL ABOARD" shot out every time the train will descend from its previous location. It was fun.

I'm actually really starting to look forward to the end of the will be my 4 year anniversary with my hubby and we have decided to go to San Diego for the weekend. I'm stoked to get to go to Sea World with out the kids... well, really not so much the kids but without the STROLLER!!! OMG! That thing is such a freaking pain in the ass!!! Once we're at Sea World, I'll be sad that the kids aren't there to see the shows and exhibits with us but I won't be sad at having to deal with the "cadillac". It should be a nice time... we'll be staying in Carlsbad and just drive into San Diego for the day. I'm really excited because we'll be staying next door to the Carlsbad Outlets! yay!!! I love to shop there. Well hopefully things will go well and there won't be anything else to worry about, it seems as though we are starting to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Things are looking up and seem to be getting better. Let's just hope that they all stay that way.

words of the day:

Ryan: no way JOSE!!

Aaron: HAEYEEEE (haylie)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


so, for the past two days I have been faithfully working out on my elliptical machine that my brother in law brought back to me and have been working out with my free weights.... dear lord, I have no strength to get out of bed! I finally pulled myself out of bed about half an hour ago. My bug, Ryan, put his Cars movie on and that pretty much kept him occupied until I found the strength to get out of bed. It's my own fault though.... my hubby wakes me up at 5 am every morning to make his coffee and lunch and when I'm done I'm wide awake but crawl back into bed... that's so bad, but what the heck am I supposed to do that early in the morning? anyways, Operation Lose MAJOR weight is in effect! I refuse to be the big girl in the boat this year and that's that.

Well, my sister made her way home from Costa Rica and she seems to be in good spirits. We have decided that we are going to take the kids to Disneyland for the afternoon since it's my nieces 4th birthday today... so that should be fun.. I was missing Disneyland! Well, I'd better get the kiddies ready and head on over to moms so that we can all scoot on out of here! I'll post more tonight and actually try to get some pictures up!

oh, big event this morning! Ryan made his own bed for the first time and it looks really good! Yay Ryan!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

words of the day...

words of the day today are:

Aaron: caaaar,, whoa!!!

Dad: ryan, are you my boy?!

Ryan: mmmm, no. I'm my mommy's boy!

it was a good day today.... hopefully I will be employed on monday!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Play Dates....

So, today marked the first day of our first play date. Ryan, Aaron and I headed over to Shaena's house and we all ate yummy sandwiches and the kids played wonderfully for 4+ hours while Shaena and I chatted. It was so nice to have adult conversation for a good portion of my day. I'm sad now that I have a friend at home and I'm about to go back to work. :( Oh well, I guess things happen for a reason. I hope that this thing with the job works out, I'm anxious to get back to work but at the same time, I think I have finally figured out how to make it work as a stay at home mommy. I love it, I'm going to miss my boys tremendously. I just hope that we can get this business off the ground soon so that I can have the option to stay home in the future. I'll just keep praying and thinking positive...

Back to our play date... Ryan and the kids made their way outside after about 3 hours of playing with toys... Shaena has an exceptionally large retriever that is really nice, but like I said... unusually large. Well, I peeked outside as the kids first went out there and Ryan seemed to be doing fine as the dog was in his dog run... Well, no more than 5 minutes later I hear Ryan screaming as if someone was trying to kill him. So Shaena and I ran to the window to see what the commotion was about and that's when we realized that Garrett had let the dog out of the run.. Gretz was pouncing and running all around the yard wanting to play... Poor little Ryan was freaking out and screaming as he is deathly afraid of large dogs... He was so scared that he kept falling to the ground, by the time Shaena got outside to rescue Ryan, he had lodged himself between her house and her AC unit on the patio to hide from the dog. My poor kid!!! As Shaena brought him into the house, he advised us of how he is afraid and does not like "big dogs". All I could do was hold him, the poor kid was still trembling just talking about it... But Shaena made it all better, she got him a go-gurt and all was good! I hope that we can have many more playdates in the future, I'm bummed that I may be going back to work but I'm glad that we've rekindled our friendship.... I'm sure there will be many more playdates in the future and hopefully plenty of "mommy's night out".
Today was my sister in laws birthday so we went to WoodFire for some BBQ. It was yummy, but I'm still feeling it... I am so damn full... as soon as we got home, I immediately went straight to the eliptical and started working out! Good Lord!! I need to lose some weight!! River season is coming up and I can't be looking like a damn butterball! So, here's to a new job (hopefully) and to losing some serious weight!

Words of the Day:

Aaron: poo poo (as he bends over and grabs his crotch)
Ryan: ARGH!!!! (with his right eye covered), and "oh yeah bebe"....


OKay, so, I'm actually ahead of schedule today. I'm up and out of bed, ready to go, I've got one kid fed, the kitchen and downstairs is clean. I just have to get the boys bathed and ready to go. We have our first official playdate today with Reese and Garrett. I'm so looking forward to this. I wish I had gotten in touch with my old friend months ago. I could have been enjoying my time at home a bit more with the kids. I have come to realize that I do love being home with my kids. I just don't like being confined to my house with my kids. If we had a little more expendable cash for play time, life would be great and I could really enjoy the time at home with the boys. I talked to my hubby about it and we have made a verbal agreement that should we decide to open the company we have been talking about that may be a real possibility (for me to stay home). So, I'm really excited about that.

I am so not the risk taker in this family, never have been, never will be... but when my husband started talking about opening his own business, something just told me that it was the right thing to do. It has been eating at me for quite some time now. I have told him that he needs to pursue this and do it. It's the right thing, I can feel it. Like I said, this is sooo not me. I would never ask my hubby to jeopardize his VERY stable job of 7 years, especially when we have a mortgage! but, like I said, something in my heart is telling me that this is what he is supposed to do. I'll support him to do whatever it takes. I think this is the right move and if it means that I go back to work for awhile until its done, then so be it!! Speaking of which.... I received a call with a request to come in for a face to face interview tomm. I'm really stoked...they didn't even prescreen me, they skipped over all of those steps in protocall and called me in. I hope it goes well... if it does, it's going to be the end of my days at home with my favorite little people in the world. I'm going to be soooo heartbroken, but it will be better for all of us in the longrun (financially) until we can figure out this company thing for Hans.

well, I'd better head out, I've got to get the bugs ready for their playdate. :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

ryan and the C word....

so, my son is still learning words.... His vocabulary would astonish you at times and other times, you just can't help but laugh.....

Ryans conversation with dad tonight after snacking, dinner and dessert....

Ryan: You want an apple?

Dad: mmmm, no.

Ryan: You want some cake?

Dad: mmmm, no.

Ryan: You hungry? You need some dinner or something?

Dad: (laughing..) no.

Ryan: Mom... dads hungry.

some other fun words to ponder on...

umbrella= cumbrella
guitar= cuntar
Ramone (lowrider car from Disney's Cars)= Chick boom boom
McQueen= ahqueen

can't wait until Aaron starts talking!!


Okay April, when did you get here and where has the time gone? I don't even know what has happened to me in the past week. I've been worrying about a good friend of mine who was screwed over by her business partner, I've been trying to find a job, I've been trying to reaquaint myself with old classmates, I've been trying to get my son to pee and poop in the toilet, it's never ending! I have no clue what has happened! Well, fast forward to today.... I'm still recuperating from the painting party I had (solo) at grandma's house for the past 2 Saturdays. It was nice to spend time with her, she gets a bit stressful at times, but what can I do? she's grandma! My hubby held down the fort and cleaned the house, the kids weren't bathed and were still wearing their pj's from the night before, but I guess I can't expect him to do it all... My hubby and I went to the anaheim boat show today with the boys, it sucked! what a waste of my $30. had I known it was going to suck, I would have suggested taking the boys to Disneyland instead and spending my money there.
It was Devin and Lauren's birthday, so we had a dinner party at moms tonight. Apparently dad was monitoring our drinking because he made mom drive us home.... LOL.... I think he was so worried about our drinking he forgot to watch his... he was so drunk and he was killing me!!! oh well, gotta love dad. So needless to say, we have a house guest tonight, poor mom. She threatened dad that he wasn't allowed to leave the house tonight, so we'll see what happens... he already called to make sure that she had a house key, he wasn't planning on waking up to let her in the house tommorow morning... LOL!! crazy dad. anyways, looking forward to meeting up with shaena and the kids tomm. Ryan and Reese have their playdate.... should be fun!

words of the day:

Ryan: Heck Yeah!, I am pooping...see my stomach, uuurrghh!! (as he sits on the toilet and grunts)

Aaron: uh mmm.