Wednesday, April 30, 2008

new attitudes...not so much for the better

As I really start to take the time to watch and listen to the boys and monitor their interactions with each other, the dog and toys, it has dawned on me that they are hilarious! Aaron is 20 mos. now. He doesn't say a whole lot but he throws a MEAN attitude. When he's hungry, he will go to the kitchen and grab his highchair and try to scoot it to the kitchen island. When he's thirsty, he will go to the refrigerator door and scream at the ice maker. When he goes to bed he has warmed up to this blanket that my mom bought for Ryan (for his 1st Christmas). It's really pretty, it's a Ralph Lauren baby blanket with a teddy bear on a rocking horse. The blanket is knitted on the front side and is like t-shirt cotton on the back side. I didn't like to use the blanket too much as I was always "saving" it since I know it cost her a pretty penny. But, Aaron will not sleep with anything but that blanket. He has now named the blanket his "baby". When he's crying about a baby, he wants his blanket. I was trying to get him to warm up to another of the 1000 blankets that we have but he only wants that one. I had to convince myself that it was purchased to be used... you can't save it forever, and what am I actually "saving" it for? Well, now Aaron will have something to put in the memory box. Ryan still has his digusting piggy that Auntie Karen bought him but he's really not that attached to it since the piggie lost his tail. But we still have him, disgusting and all! Speaking of Ryan, his attitude lately is about ready to have myself commited! That child of mine is too smart for his own good and knows how and when and how far to push my buttons!! He knows mommy is all talk and he works it! Well lately I just try my best to compose my anger to keep from beating his butt! Yesterday, I was so upset at him for deliberately hitting Aaron on the head with a monster truck! Ryan knew that I was upset and ran to the stairs when I told him to go to his room he threw himself down (onto the stairs) face first! He ate Sh!t!!! His face hit the edge of the stair, I was thinking GREAT!! That's all that I need, a kid with a broken nose! Well, I got him into his room and into bed for a nap since he so desperately needed it. When he woke up, of course his nose was 2x bigger and swollen so i just monitored it and thank goodness, the swelling went down! I guess I should just prepare myself for these kinds of accidents, I have boys for Pete's Sake... and not girly boys, I have boys boys!!! They have no fear (except for big dogs)! My health insurance will probably be cancelled for all the claims that I will have to make for these 2 houligans. Oh well, gotta love the chaos...

Your words of the day are:

Aaron: snack
Ryan: My daddy had to go to work so that we can go to the river.

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