Monday, April 14, 2008

it was supposed to be a nice weekend

so, here we are, Monday morning and I'm still irritated with Hans. We kinda have been at each others throats lately and yesterday was the icing on the cake.... I had a pedicure date with mom and after that she and dad had invited us to go to lunch with the kids... So, as I'm hanging up the phone with mom, I'm letting him know, it's now 945 and we are having lunch with mom and dad at noon. So, that means, time to get out of bed!!! Well, immediately, Hans starts grumbling, "i have to mow the lawn...blah, blah, blah...." I tell him to wait until after we eat, we'll put the boys down for a nap and then WE can do the yard work together. Well, I guess he didn't like that idea because the next thing I know, he's out doing the yard and he's grumpy about it. wah wah.... so i give him a kiss goodbye and tell him i'll see him and the boys in a few hours. Clearly that didn't happen.
I called him around 1145 and he didn't answer the phone... I then called him again around noon or a bit after and surprisingly he answered. when I told him not to worry about being late because my sister was running behind anyways, he immediately started to fly off the handle... "It's just not going to happen....I'm still not done with the yard work, the boys are acting crazy, ryan keeps getting a bloody nose and since I'm the only one who does anything around here, I can't make it". click. Okay, what the hell just happened? excuse me, if the boys got the best of you... I have them ALL day long, everyday...even when you come home just to eat and then spend the rest of the evening at your friends house pretending to work on our rhino or your truck. And to imply that I don't do anything around this monstrous house is ludicrous. You can kiss my ass to that suggestion. I was soo pissed and embarrassed at what had just happened. I had to tell mom and dad that Hans and the boys weren't coming because he was suffering from a case of the "POOR ME's". WHATEVER!!! My husband has the worst timing for anything and everything. Why would he even attempt to mow the lawn on this 10,000+ sq. ft. lot when he knows we are meeting mom and dad in Chino for lunch in 2 hours? HELLO???!!!! I don't know why the yard work became so damn important all of a sudden when the grass is dead every other day because my husband doesn't want to set the freaking timer on our sprinklers... ugh... i'm just really frustrated. Not only that, once I got drunk with dad at lunch and came home, we didn't say one word to each other... then to top it off, we had to go to his sisters house for a bbq. that was fun..... :( it sucked because I was not in the mood to be there since Hans and I were not speaking. So needless to say, I just hung out with the kids. Hans ignored me and our kids, acted like he wasn't married so i let him... f-it. So we drove home in silence and he went to bed by himself...I refused to sleep in the same bed with him last night for I probably would have killed him due to my rising aggravation. I stayed out in the bonus room on the couch...couldn't sleep too well, but whatever. Well, hans left for Carlsbad today and will be there for the next few days..surprisingly he actually said goodbye to me this morning... he normally walks out of the house without saying a word if we're fighting... so I don't know how to take this whole thing now. I'm really pissed off at the accusation of not doing anything around my house. And to top it off, Ryan tells me that Joe was over here yesterday. So, basically the truth comes out, Hans picked a fight with me because he didn't want to leave Joe to hang out with the parentals.... eh, whatever... paybacks are a bitch and so is your wife, honey!!!! sucks to be you right now. It's probably a good thing that you won't be home until wednesday...I need the time to cool off from you and your childish behavior. Anyways, here are your words for the day...

Ryan: Nirsty (thirsty)
Aaron: severe jibber jabber with ATTITUDE!

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