Monday, April 7, 2008


OKay, so, I'm actually ahead of schedule today. I'm up and out of bed, ready to go, I've got one kid fed, the kitchen and downstairs is clean. I just have to get the boys bathed and ready to go. We have our first official playdate today with Reese and Garrett. I'm so looking forward to this. I wish I had gotten in touch with my old friend months ago. I could have been enjoying my time at home a bit more with the kids. I have come to realize that I do love being home with my kids. I just don't like being confined to my house with my kids. If we had a little more expendable cash for play time, life would be great and I could really enjoy the time at home with the boys. I talked to my hubby about it and we have made a verbal agreement that should we decide to open the company we have been talking about that may be a real possibility (for me to stay home). So, I'm really excited about that.

I am so not the risk taker in this family, never have been, never will be... but when my husband started talking about opening his own business, something just told me that it was the right thing to do. It has been eating at me for quite some time now. I have told him that he needs to pursue this and do it. It's the right thing, I can feel it. Like I said, this is sooo not me. I would never ask my hubby to jeopardize his VERY stable job of 7 years, especially when we have a mortgage! but, like I said, something in my heart is telling me that this is what he is supposed to do. I'll support him to do whatever it takes. I think this is the right move and if it means that I go back to work for awhile until its done, then so be it!! Speaking of which.... I received a call with a request to come in for a face to face interview tomm. I'm really stoked...they didn't even prescreen me, they skipped over all of those steps in protocall and called me in. I hope it goes well... if it does, it's going to be the end of my days at home with my favorite little people in the world. I'm going to be soooo heartbroken, but it will be better for all of us in the longrun (financially) until we can figure out this company thing for Hans.

well, I'd better head out, I've got to get the bugs ready for their playdate. :)

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