Wednesday, April 9, 2008


so, for the past two days I have been faithfully working out on my elliptical machine that my brother in law brought back to me and have been working out with my free weights.... dear lord, I have no strength to get out of bed! I finally pulled myself out of bed about half an hour ago. My bug, Ryan, put his Cars movie on and that pretty much kept him occupied until I found the strength to get out of bed. It's my own fault though.... my hubby wakes me up at 5 am every morning to make his coffee and lunch and when I'm done I'm wide awake but crawl back into bed... that's so bad, but what the heck am I supposed to do that early in the morning? anyways, Operation Lose MAJOR weight is in effect! I refuse to be the big girl in the boat this year and that's that.

Well, my sister made her way home from Costa Rica and she seems to be in good spirits. We have decided that we are going to take the kids to Disneyland for the afternoon since it's my nieces 4th birthday today... so that should be fun.. I was missing Disneyland! Well, I'd better get the kiddies ready and head on over to moms so that we can all scoot on out of here! I'll post more tonight and actually try to get some pictures up!

oh, big event this morning! Ryan made his own bed for the first time and it looks really good! Yay Ryan!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

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