Sunday, April 6, 2008


Okay April, when did you get here and where has the time gone? I don't even know what has happened to me in the past week. I've been worrying about a good friend of mine who was screwed over by her business partner, I've been trying to find a job, I've been trying to reaquaint myself with old classmates, I've been trying to get my son to pee and poop in the toilet, it's never ending! I have no clue what has happened! Well, fast forward to today.... I'm still recuperating from the painting party I had (solo) at grandma's house for the past 2 Saturdays. It was nice to spend time with her, she gets a bit stressful at times, but what can I do? she's grandma! My hubby held down the fort and cleaned the house, the kids weren't bathed and were still wearing their pj's from the night before, but I guess I can't expect him to do it all... My hubby and I went to the anaheim boat show today with the boys, it sucked! what a waste of my $30. had I known it was going to suck, I would have suggested taking the boys to Disneyland instead and spending my money there.
It was Devin and Lauren's birthday, so we had a dinner party at moms tonight. Apparently dad was monitoring our drinking because he made mom drive us home.... LOL.... I think he was so worried about our drinking he forgot to watch his... he was so drunk and he was killing me!!! oh well, gotta love dad. So needless to say, we have a house guest tonight, poor mom. She threatened dad that he wasn't allowed to leave the house tonight, so we'll see what happens... he already called to make sure that she had a house key, he wasn't planning on waking up to let her in the house tommorow morning... LOL!! crazy dad. anyways, looking forward to meeting up with shaena and the kids tomm. Ryan and Reese have their playdate.... should be fun!

words of the day:

Ryan: Heck Yeah!, I am pooping...see my stomach, uuurrghh!! (as he sits on the toilet and grunts)

Aaron: uh mmm.

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