Monday, April 7, 2008

Play Dates....

So, today marked the first day of our first play date. Ryan, Aaron and I headed over to Shaena's house and we all ate yummy sandwiches and the kids played wonderfully for 4+ hours while Shaena and I chatted. It was so nice to have adult conversation for a good portion of my day. I'm sad now that I have a friend at home and I'm about to go back to work. :( Oh well, I guess things happen for a reason. I hope that this thing with the job works out, I'm anxious to get back to work but at the same time, I think I have finally figured out how to make it work as a stay at home mommy. I love it, I'm going to miss my boys tremendously. I just hope that we can get this business off the ground soon so that I can have the option to stay home in the future. I'll just keep praying and thinking positive...

Back to our play date... Ryan and the kids made their way outside after about 3 hours of playing with toys... Shaena has an exceptionally large retriever that is really nice, but like I said... unusually large. Well, I peeked outside as the kids first went out there and Ryan seemed to be doing fine as the dog was in his dog run... Well, no more than 5 minutes later I hear Ryan screaming as if someone was trying to kill him. So Shaena and I ran to the window to see what the commotion was about and that's when we realized that Garrett had let the dog out of the run.. Gretz was pouncing and running all around the yard wanting to play... Poor little Ryan was freaking out and screaming as he is deathly afraid of large dogs... He was so scared that he kept falling to the ground, by the time Shaena got outside to rescue Ryan, he had lodged himself between her house and her AC unit on the patio to hide from the dog. My poor kid!!! As Shaena brought him into the house, he advised us of how he is afraid and does not like "big dogs". All I could do was hold him, the poor kid was still trembling just talking about it... But Shaena made it all better, she got him a go-gurt and all was good! I hope that we can have many more playdates in the future, I'm bummed that I may be going back to work but I'm glad that we've rekindled our friendship.... I'm sure there will be many more playdates in the future and hopefully plenty of "mommy's night out".
Today was my sister in laws birthday so we went to WoodFire for some BBQ. It was yummy, but I'm still feeling it... I am so damn full... as soon as we got home, I immediately went straight to the eliptical and started working out! Good Lord!! I need to lose some weight!! River season is coming up and I can't be looking like a damn butterball! So, here's to a new job (hopefully) and to losing some serious weight!

Words of the Day:

Aaron: poo poo (as he bends over and grabs his crotch)
Ryan: ARGH!!!! (with his right eye covered), and "oh yeah bebe"....

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