Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I think God hates me...Well, EDD does anyways.

So, I swear God or someone out there hates me. I have had the worst string of luck since being laid off from my job back in December. Is it really possible for something like that to happen? I mean, my God!! Could it get any worse? I swear, I think God just wants me to lose EVERYTHING before I will see any good in my life again. I'm not sure why...I never cheated, lied or stole to get anything that I have. I earned it or paid for it with my own money. I'm so miserable right now, I don't know if it could possibly get any worse.

I just rec'd an emergency phone call from mom, so I'll be back later!

okay, okay, so we are back at home, everything with mom is situated and the boys are sleeping for hopefully at least 2 hours!

Well, getting back to my pity party... I didn't rec'v my unemployment check yesterday and I was really ticked off as I sent my flipping form back early and triple checked it to make sure that everything was filled out correctly...well, I finally got someone on the phone at EDD around 3:00 (I've been calling since 8 am this morning) well, I asked a question about why I hadn't rec'd a check, the bitch said, "it takes 10 days to process a check, you don't always recieve it on the same day" when I started to ask her if I was going to get a check like this week or have to wait another 2 weeks (because I've had to do so in the past..) the whore hung up on me. This isn't the first time that this has happened... EDD has the worst customer service!!! They are probably all fat, ugly, grotesque single lesbians who can't find love so they take it out on the unemployed people. I swear, if I could go down to that office and raise hell, I would. I'm sure that if I spoke spanish and chose the spanish option, the spanish speaking representative would have stayed on the phone with me and explained the process until I understood it. I so hate being on unemployment right now. It's the worst... I think it's part of God's plan to hate me. I swear, I don't know what I did wrong or who I've upset, but this has to end... SOON! I'm about ready to leave town..I can't handle this anymore! So to all you a-holes who work at EDD, you can all kiss my ass!!! I hope that when you are on unemployment one day, you will be treated with the same "respect" that you treat others!! Karma's a bitch and so are all of you!!!!

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